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Tel. Temple Bar 8780.

French Packer
10, Great St. Andrew Street,
Shaftesbury Avenue,
London, W. C.2

London ^[[4th. June 1935.

Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co. inc.
New York]]
[[double line]]


In reply to your favour of the 22nd. ult. I have pleasure in advising that the 2 cases of pictures per s.s. Majestic have been safely received today, and 1 picture delivered to Capt. Langton Douglas and 4 to Mr. W. M. Sabin.

I have telephoned to Mr. Clyfford Trevor's office, but he was not there, and I have left a message for him on his return.

Awaiting your further esteemd wishes, I beg to remain,

Yours faithfully

J Chenue [[?]]