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February 7, 1959

Dear Anthony Clark:

How very good of you to keep alive your interest in the Odazzi; and as per your wish, I take pleasure in enclosing the two photographs of my watercolor. It would be an amazing coincidence indeed were the dome at the V. & A. the one you detected.

I am glad to read of your planned visit to New York in early March but hope you will manage to come after March 4th, for I am leaving this week for the Virgin Islands for a rest and do not expect to be back in New York before that date. We can then look at the tracing of the Canova signature.

Unfortunately, I have no photograph of the statue, but if we have sucha [[such a]] correct listing of his work we should be able to identify it by and by.

Meanwhile with renewed thanks for your kind note of February 2nd, and with kind thoughts,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Anthony Clark
Museum of Art
Rhode Island School of Desing [[Design]]
Providence 3, Rhode Island