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June 18, 1959

Dear Tony,
thanks to yourkindess [[your kindness]] and scholarly knowledge the great watercolor attributed to Odazzi has just been purchased by the Museum of Art, University of Michigan, and I do want to take this opportunity to renew my thanks for the research you so spontaniously  [[spontaneously]] undertook.

It was but ethical for me to advise Mr. Charles H. Sawyer, the director, that you were the a uthor [[author]] of this discovery and that thus, due credit should be given you.  However, the resulting penalty for this success is that Mr. Sawyer is anxious to obtain furhter [[further]] data and he asked whether I have "any written statement from Mr. Anthonly Clark on the Odazzi attribution and possibly a photograph of the ceiling of the Capella d'Elai in Santa Sabina...?"

Writing from Paris, as you realize, I do not recall whether- though I believe I have- a written note from you, but of course, I would not make use of such a personal letter without your permission, and am wondering what answer you would like me to convey. In this connection, you might wish in fact to write directly to Mr Sawyer?

Nowas rega rds [[Now as regards]] the photograph, I know only too well the difficulties involved, particula rly [[particularly]] if this now-becoming-famous ceiling had never been photographed before. I am truly distressed to bu rden [[burden]] you anew, ad [[and]] I really feel that is is an imposition for it was out of the goodness of your hea rt [[heart]] that you undertook to solve this problem.  I do hope therefore, that you will understand my quandary, and that you will excuse my taking up your time again with this matter, as interesting as it might be. This will involve expenses, which you will of course let me reimburse you.

This letter, I assume will reach you somewhere in Europe, and with all good wishes and kind regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

P.S. I shall be leaving Paris, returning to New York, July 4th, remaining there a week or so, before going to California, for a vacatio [[vacation[[

Mr. Anthony Clark
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, Rhode Island