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Drake Hotel,
Chicago, Ill.
February 6th., 1925.

Mrs. E. R. Countiss,
1524 Lake Shire Drive,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Mrs. Countiss:

I am very sorry not to have seen you again before leaving for New York, but I was told that you will be there some time in the near future, and hope to see you then, and, if you are not too busy, I hope to see a little of you.

I send you herewith, photographs which represent part of the set of furniture. I have in mind to put the settee in the place of the big settle facing the window.

The set consists of one settee, four arm-chairs and eight chairs, but I think you would have room only for the settee and four arm-chairs, and that it would be too formal to have the eight chairs as well.

The tapestry is Royal Aubusson of the finest quality, after cartoons by Huet, and is in a perfect state of preservation - there isn’t one stitch that has been repaired. The color is very beautiful and the drawing very fine.

We bought it from the Duke of Luynes. He is the one who owns the famous castle in Danpierre. The set came from his residence in Paris.

The frames, which are very finely made, of Louis XVI style, are from a later period.

On account of its architectural qualities, I think it would be marvelously in proportion and in keeping with general idea of the room, as the colors and back-ground are rather light and would brighten up the room considerably.

The other photograph is just to give you an idea of what I want to place in front of the window and opposite the settee. The settee which is represented in that photograph is covered with an old silk brocade, which to my mind