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Bean, Barton A.-- Description of two new flounders, Gastropsetta frontal and Cyclopsetta chittendeni.

^[[checkmark]] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, No. 1030, [[^May 11-95]][[strikethrough]]1894[[/strikethrough]], pp. 633-636, figs. 1, 2, & 3.

^[[Mus]] In this paper is described a new genus and species, Gastropsetta frontalis, a flounder taken by the Str. Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico in 1885. And a description of a new species of flounder, provisionally placed with Dr. Gill's recent genus, Cyclopsetta, presented by the late Dr. John F. Chittenden, of the Victoria Institute, Trinidad Id., and named in his honor.
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^[[Mus]] Goode, G. Brown and Bean, Tarleton H. -- On Cetomimidae and Rondeletiidae, two new families of Bathybial Fishes from the Northwestern Atlantic.

Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 1012, ^[[Jan. 26-95]][[strikethrough]]1894[[/strikethrough]] pp. 451-454, Pl. XVII.

^[[checkmark]] In this paper is given a diagnosis of two new families of fishes with descriptions of two new genera, Cetomimus and Rondeletia. The species described are: Cetomimus gillii and storeri, and Rondeletia bicolor, from the collections of the Str. Albatross.
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^[[[[checkmark]]Mus]] Goode, G. Brown & Bean, Tarleton H. -- A revision of the order Heteromi, deep-sea fishes, with a description of the new generic types Macdonaldia and Lipogenys.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, No. 1013, ^[[Jan 26-95]][[strikethrough]]1894[[/strikethrough]], pp. 455-470, pl. XVIII.
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^[[[[checkmark]][[Mus.]] Goode, G. Brown & Bean, Tarleton H. -- On Harriotta, a new type of Chimaeroid Fish from the deeper waters of the northwestern Atlantic.

Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVII, No. 1014, ^[[Jan. 26-95]][[strikethrough]]1894[[/strikethrough]], pp. 471-473, pl. XIX.