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[[underlined]] Betty Parsons [[/underlined]]

Betty Bierne Pierson Parsons
Born: N.Y.C. Jan. 31, 1900
Profession: Art Dealer, Artist, Collector
Married at: Church of the Heavenly Rest, N.Y.C. May 18, 1919 to Schuyler Livingston Parsons
No children

Education: 1908-1916 Miss Chapin School
1916-1918 Mrs. Randall McKeever's Finishing School
1922-1927 Studied sculpture with Antoine Bourdelle, Paris
1927-1929 " " " [[dittos for Studied sculpture with]] Ossip Zadkine, Paris
1925-1930 " [[ditto for Studied]] watercolor " [[ditto for with]] ArthureLindsay, summers on Brittany cost
1933-1935 Studied sculpture with Archipenko

Employment: 1933-1936 taught sculpture in Santa Barbara, Ca.
1938 Saleswoman at Midtown Gallery, N.Y.C.
1938-1940 Saleswoman for Mrs. Cornelius Sullivan, N.Y.C.
1940-1943 Director of Wakefield Gallery, N.Y.C.
1943-1946 Director of Contemporary end of Mortimer Brandt Gallery
1946- Opened & Directs Bet ty Parsons Gallery

rofessional Assocs.: Director of Little Red School House
" " [[dittos for Director of]] Art Dealers Assoc. 1st yr. opened

Othe r Memberships: Guggenheim Museum
American Federation of Arts
Museum of Modern Art
The Whitney Museum
The United Nations

Other Biog. listings: [[underlined]] Who's Who in American Art, Who's Who in American Women, Who's Who in America [[/underlined]]

Hobbies: Collecting, reading, traveling, writing poetry, sketching, swimming