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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 26 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

I wrote to Rod the other day - It was such a tempermental letter I hope it upsets him. It may a bit - but he's in love with Mildred. No word from Oliver wonder why? To get back to hands - Rods are long slender bony, a trifle grimy at the knuckles, with very well shaped nails. Right hand stained with nicotine. John's hands are square, brown with fine silk hairs covering them - nails a fine texture, fingers short and will shaped - they are quite soft. He probably writes very legibly. Bob's hands are very white rather large, with thick fingers. There are gold silky hairs on the back of the hands and fine tufts [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] between the joints His finger nails are very square.  It is such a dependable hand - so clean - rather hard.  

Oliver's hands are extremely brown, fat, & chubby. They aren't at all well shaped; but are not flabby - solid, with funny little short nails.  They are always clean. It looks like he made such an effort to get it clean - just like it seems he puts forth such an effort to please.

Picture from Annette yesterday. Lord she is getting pretty - features clean cut, I like the way her mouth is set, the curve of her neck and chin - the subtlty of her eyes and the straighness of her eye brows. Why doesn't she come to see me.

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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 27 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

July 11. - Denver Colo.

We left Coffeyville two weeks ago this morning. Stayed at Muehlebach in KC over nite - George came out and we went to a movie & to Plantation Grill to dance at 11 - It is the grandest place in town and I had such a good time. George had to get back to school the next morning so left on 1 oclock train. Two boys came down after him - they had been to a wedding & were rather lit. One of them asked me to kiss him goodby in the lobby - and I did - and he was such an egg - I wonder why I do things like that when I dislike people anyway.  George took me up to my room. He had never kissed me before till then  He is so big it rather thrilled me. Only he kisses so wet. He kissed me twice. Alice & Ruth were already in bed. We left the next a.m to D-. We had a drawing room.  Came to Brown Palace Hotel in D- then left next morning for Estes Park for the sorority convention. I had a compartment in a cabin with an Alabama girl. She is darling we played together lots. I had rather a good time but didn't seem to fall into things much. Rode horse back once - once we went to town with some fraternity [[jewelers?]].  They had a cabin there and it rained and we