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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 13 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

He can't understand it - He says I seem so much more human than he had ever believed me to me.  He is coming thru to see me on his way to school.  Isn't it merely a conquest and don't such affairs lower me in my own estimation.  I want to declare passionately to the whole world that I love no one.  No one is necessary to my happiness - That I think love a weekness but I think of my own popularity & compromise usually.  Why do I date people and act as if [[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]]he[[strikethrough]]y are[[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] high man when [[double underlined]] no one [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] is [[/underlined]] - I'm too selfish for anyone to be.  Is this the real me - I'm crying - because I've lowered ^[[myself]] so in my own estimation.  Im sick of the

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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 14 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

filth.  Jack came down this weekend.  He left this afternoon.  He went farther than he ever has with me.  I was far from acquiescent - but I might have stopped it.  He acted so experienced.  I don't think he would ever try to go the limit with me. but I'm sorry for my actions.  He is hardly of average intelligence - only in the business world - but he too takes well with the town people.  Will it ever cease to make a difference what they think?

Ruth goes to Northwestern next week - I'm back to Ark - Frank goes with me - and George to Military Academy