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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] March 2 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

from heaviness and so lacking in self conceit that they are a joy -.  They  will never produce - they are not tempermentally suited for such - Mr Sheehan will produce, but it will be so reeking of himself - adventursome and blustering and wordy that it will be of little value - and John will produce because he can see human nature - and because he has "a sense of porportion and sense of irony".  I really think he will be great.  He's to send me his first books he has printed. - one of short stories and several novels he has partially completed- then I shall know what he really thinks of me - what I probably otherwise would never know.  I do know this - I'm the first girl he has ever been in love with and have probably done [[strikethrough]] as much [[/strikethrough]] more to teach him than a hundred books.  He says he has enjoyed knowing me - and no matter what happens he will never regret it.  I'm afraid he will be hurt.

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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] March 3 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

I'm really not thru browsing yet.  I'm a Puritan at heart - in fact I guess I'm  nearly all Puritan - I repress my impulses - sex - as the so-called decent girls - and the real modernist who in spirit is free is afraid of nothing - I am afraid of consequences - I can't break conventions - I want to stay on the fence.  Few people know I ever date John - simply because I want them to think I conform to their silly rules - that are that one dates the socially prominent or none at all - Gad! the socially prominent - with no taste for music - art - literature - I can't destroy my taste for them, undiscriminating as it may be at time - so I have to have him.  Last week he asked me to tell him truthfully whether I loved him or not - the emotion I felt for him is - as I said - stronger than any I have felt before.  He didn't want to take such an indefinite answer - he wouldn't.  Finally I said yes.  I do love him as much as I've ever loved anyone.