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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] March 14 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

attained - delicate, strong, keen, sensitive to everything; a living sentient being, natively cognizant of the beautiful, the true the harmonious. - - - How can [[underlined]] you [[/underlined]] love [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]]?  It seems incredible that a person with as much life renascent in him as you have, could love me, hollow checked and meagre from over study and lack of sleep. - - Until I knew you, I never wanted to be any different from what I was.  Now I want to be [[underlined]] you [[/underlined]].  In harmony with life you have given me a hint of it, and I want more of the life in which one doesn't allow reason to overthrow emotions.  Please give me that life.  You are rich

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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] March 15 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

in it, and I am a miserable pauper - having only those few  ounces of it which you have given me since I knew you last October, less than five months.  I wonder if you will still love me five months from now.  God, how I fear you!  You hold my life in your hands.  [[double underlined]] Please [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] let me live [[/underlined]] I implore you on my hands and knees, as one implores Diana, the dispenser of true contentment for those who love.

[[hand printed]]  You Have Become MY DIVINITY!  THe FiRST ONE I HAVE EVER HAD!  
JMV" [[/hand printed]]