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Folklore of the Deaf 7-1-81                         Reel 2 of 5
El Paso (L pass O)                          81-RR-256
Stories w/ numbers
Description of "Hearing Dog" program
featuring the wonderful invisible dog.
The Hazards of Lip Reading - Ensemble
Airport Sketch - Jones + Moore
Name Signs

2:00 Storytelling Session - Jo Radner, Moderator 
Jack Gannon, Debbie [[strike through]] Sonnenstahl [[/strike through]] Sonnenstrahl,
William Ennis
Interpreters: Shirley Shultz, John Mark Ennis

BBB + his bar story - Gannon
Dr. Gaulladet, Mr. French + The Statue - [[strike through] Ennis [[/strike through]] Sonnenstrahl
The Old timer Drunk - Ennis
The Sign for Whisky - Gannon
The Suitor + The Deaf Mother - Sonnenstrahl 
School Story - Ennis
Teacher + The Limburger Cheese - Ennis

                     [[circled]] Tape 3 [[/circled]]

About Gaulladet's Just Ladon Pool - Gannon
Q+A Sessions