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Folklore of the Deaf 7-1-81 Tape 4 log
                               OF 5
Sign Poetry- Ella Mae Lentz (cont.)
"Jabberwocky"- [Lewis] Carroll
memo- a wierd little number
"Fuschsias" - Lentz
"The Dogs" - Lentz.
"Sign is Like a Tree" - Lentz
"The Roadrunner" - Mime by Lentz
"Californian Freeways" - Poem by Dorothy Miles


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4:15 Workshop - Deafness in a Hearing World (with rain)
Moderator - Jo Radner
Participants Jack Gannon, Debbie Sonnenstrahl, Bill Ennis 
Elli Burke (?)
Interpreter's voice John Mark Ennis
"Sign Language Saves a Man's Life" - Gannon
Street Direction - Sonnenstrahl 
Watching Movies - Ennis
Personal Story - Meeting a Friend - Sonnenstrahl 
William "Dummy" Hoy- story- Gannon
development of baseball signals
Tragedy stories
Playing Under Water - Ennis
Development of the Football Huddle- Gannon

Q+A Session
-Deaf Teachers - Gannon