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Transcription: [00:22:47]
{SPEAKER name="Guidance"}
I don't expect you to change from your number you gave me just now. And you and GNC and everybody in the world, [[Crosstalk]]

{SPEAKER name="Retro"}
We have never seen-- I have never seen a better wait especially in this [[?]] this morning [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="1"}
A better wait has never been had by anybody.

{SPEAKER name="Retro"}
Yes, I think they even got the [[scales?]] out [[toward]] the last one, a true [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="Guidance"}
Retro, Recovery, [[My circuit]].


[[Buzzing sound]]

[[change of frequency]]


{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Yes, sir, were you going to try to get the astronauts' wives home this morning?

{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}
Yeah, would you, let's see, try the Collins home again and we'll see if we're getting through. Has there been anything on Gov's conference, do you know?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
No, I don't have any way of knowing, sir.

{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}
OK, well, let's give it a try, and I'll come up for a little short count or something if we need to.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Ok, you wanna try to talk to the wives themselves?

{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}
Well, somebody at the household.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Ok, well, I'll try Armstrong's home first then.

{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}
No, try Collins.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Pardon me?

{SPEAKER name="Capcom"}
Try the Collins household first. Nobody is home with Armstrongs.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Oh, OK. One moment.

[[Buzzing sound]]


{SPEAKER name="Pat"}

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Hi, Pat?

Hi, Bruce. How are you?

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Hey, have you gotten any noise yet?

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
I sure have. They did everything they could last night, and at 2:30 this morning they called and gave me a signal and it worked.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
OK. Have you heard any conversation this morning?

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
I'm getting launch control.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Yeah, you're getting something over the circuits.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Right, Kennedy launch control.
Here as a matter of fact --


{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Tell you what, let me come up on gov's conference and give you a quick short count--

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
OK. OK. Swell

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
This is Houston Capcom 1 2 3 4 5, 5 4 3 2 1 on gov's conference. Out.
Did you get that, Pat?

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
No, what was it? What kind of a sound was it?

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
I just came up to say I'd give you a short count: 1 2 3 4 5

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
No. Uh, huh, I didn't get that but I do have, Jack, whatever his name is, at Kennedy.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Bill Pogue?

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
I've, I've Kennedy Center, whosever giving that, no, it's just the PAO guy.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Oh, Jack Riley.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Yeah, Jack Riley, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
You can hear him.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}


{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
OK. Well I'll close the loop with Jack Riley, then, because I've got him sitting right back here, and he said he'd check out the circuit for me.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Oh, right. Well, now he just stopped talking.


{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Hey and er, one thing: looks like they be er having, er, TV the first time they go by Goldstone this morning.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Let me see if er-- [[Crosstalk]]

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
In earth orbit?

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Yeah, during the first orbit-- [[Crosstalk]]

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Ooh! OK. I'll look up my flight plan.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
That'd be about an hour and half after launch--

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
I figure that'd be about 8:30, nine, about ten o'clock.

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Thank you, Bruce. That's fine. You think my box is working then? I think it must be.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
Yeah. I think so if you're getting any signal at all-- [[Crosstalk]]

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Yeah, right.

{SPEAKER name="Bruce"}
We'll shift the loop over when you're ready-- [[Crosstalk]]

{SPEAKER name="Pat"}
Right, OK. That's swell. Good luck!

Transcription Notes:
Poor sound quality and low volume to begin with. Capcom is revealed as Bruce McCandless 11. Pat Collins is Mike Collins' wife