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I am, Captain, 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
Harlon E Macarey [[?]]
1st Lt. Co. "K" 28th Mich Vols.
Comdg Post
[[footnote 1]]

[[footnote 1]] Recd 24th 1866 at Hd Qrs
Sub Dist of Beaufort. 

Copy of Telegram

Dated Raleigh N.C. 23d Jany 1866
Received at Morehead City Jany 23d 1866

Officer Com'd'g.
In the case of the negroes arrested in Morehead City on the Twenty first for riot; the Com'd'g. Gen'l. directs that they be permitted to remain in the hands of the Civil Authorities until a full report of the facts can be forwarded to these Head Quarter. Please forward the report without delay by mail. 

Sgd J.A. Campbell

A true copy
(Signed) Harlon E. Macarey [[?]]
1st Lt. Co "K." 28th Mich Vols
Comdg Post
[[footnote 1]]

[[footnote 1]] Recd Jan 24th Hd Qrs Sub. Dist. of Beaufort

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Copy of letter from Jonathan Worth Governor of N.C.
State of North Carolina
Executive Department Raleigh Jan. 23d 1866

Whittlesey Col
Raleigh N.C.

I enclose to you a copy of telegram rec'd from last night from the mayor of Morehead City — I have not a copy of the orders from your dept. referred to in the telegram: and as I desire to avoid all conflict with your Officers I respectfully call your attention to the matter & request to be informed whether your subordinates in this case are acting in conformity with your instructions.

If you can conveniently furnish me with printed copies of your orders, heretofore issued, I shall be obliged.

Yours very respectfully
(Signed) Jonathan Worth
Gov. of N.C.
[[footnote 1]]

[[footnote 1]] Recd Asst. Comr. N.C. Jan 23d 1866 

Copy of telegram referred to in above letter -
Morehead Jan'y 21st, 1866

Worth His Ex. Gov.

Last night having occasion to arrest a negro for having a razor drawn and threatning to kill any one who molested him — myself and policemen had pistols & razors drawn on us by about fifty (50) negroes. I applied to the Military Commander for men, which he furnished. We found the negroes drawn up in line of battle armed with guns, pistols &c. We succeeded in arresting three (3) negroes. To day the officer of the Freedmans Bureau demands the negroes of me, says that they must be tried by him, & refers me to Circular No. (5) five paragraph Seven (7) May 30th 1866.

Please instruct me how to proceed.

Very Respectfully (Signed) Hugh Murdock

Transcription Notes:
I'm not touching footnotes. I'm confused as to whether numbering should restart with each new entry or whether numbers should continue (footnote 1, footnote 2, etc.) over an entire transcribed page. Have sent an email to SI to ask. -- Beth Macarey signs first name Harlow on other documents. ???? -- Beth [[Last letter of "Harlo[?]" could be read as 'n' or 'w' -- Katie]]