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I am the owner of a house in this town which has been in Military possession during the entire war, and have upon complying with all that has been required of me, taking the Oath of Allegiance and Amnesty and proving property, received an order from the freedman's Bureau, purporting to be an order of restoration - the house however is still held not as a Military necessity but as quarters for Capt. Gears Family. I have been informed that this is against orders, and make this my appeal to you for full restoration to my property which I have been unable to obtain here, using my utmost efforts, and I do so in this manner being unable to afford the expense of a Journey to Raleigh to personally solicit what I ask of you.

I am a poor man, have a wife and three little children to support and no place after the 17th of this month to put them. I now ask of you an order for its full and final restoration, and am General,
Your very Obedient Servant.
(Signed) J.W. O'Neil
Raleigh N.C. 12th Feb'y. 1866

Ruger Brevet Major Genl.
Comm'd'g Dept. of N.C.

I rec'd a day or two since, the enclosed communication from Mr. J.W. O'Neil Morehead City with the request to forward it to you. Of my own knowledge, I know nothing of the facts. From my knowledge of Mr. O'Neils character, I should say his statement in regard to the matter was true and that he is entitled to the relief he asks your early attention to this matter, will oblige,

Respfy. Your Obdt. Servt.
(Signed) Quentin Busbee
Hd. Qrs. Dept. of N.C. Raleigh N.C. Feb. 13" 1866

Respectfully referred to Comn'd'g Officer of this Post

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of Morehead City for report.

By Command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. Ruger. J.A. Campbell A.A.G.
Hd. Qrs. Post Morehead City N.C. February 23rd 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt. R. Dillon Supt. R. & F. Bureau
Dist. Bufort for Information. By Comnd. of 
Signed H.E. Macasey 1st Lt Comdy Post. 
Bureau of R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. Sub. District of Beaufort N.C. Feby 23d 1866

Respectfully returned to 1st Lt. H.E. Macasey Com'd'y Post of Morehead City N.C. with the information that the only abandoned property recorded at these H'd. Qrs. in Morehead City N.C. is a one story building situated between the Rail Road and the sound just east of a two story building owned by - Davis - reported abandoned by Webb & Moore If -Mr. O'Neil claims this property as his. He will come to these H'd Qrs. procure a certificate from the Clerk of the County Court, that he is the owner. I will then turn it over to him on the order of Col. E Whittlesey Asst. Comr. Bu. R F. & A.L.
(Signed) Richard Dillon Capt V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.


Krieg Francis L. Copy of Application of -
Beaufort N.C. February 23d 1866

Whittlesey Col. E. Asst. Commissioner 
Bu. of R.F. & A.L. State of N.C.

The petition of the undersigned Francis L. King of the Town of Beaufort in the state of North Carolina, respectfully represents that he is the owner in fee simple of a certain lot of land lying & being in said town of Beaufort on the south side of Front Street, known & designated in the plan of said town as lot number two hundred & forty nine (No 249) and that he was the owner thereof in fee simple and in actual possession thereof at the time of the Capture of said town by the U.S.A. and that said lot is the property of the petitioner, and is now in the possession of the Freedmen's Bureau. The petitioner


See page 21

Transcription Notes:
("Bufort" a misspelling of "Beaufort")