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else except one Bar Soap. But upon searching his house I found quite an assortment of goods with my private mark on them. Consisting of 2 pair of Shoes - Calico, DeLaine, besides some sugar, coffee & c. He admitted the taking  of those articles - Not wishing to proceed to extremities with him I told him he had better leave the place - which he did at once, proceeding to New Berne as I am led to believe - Since he left I have heard from some of his colored people that he had been in the habit of taking articles for a long time, and it appears that his wife Lucretia Cheny would come to the store very often in the morning & he would give her sundry articles to carry away - I am told also that he has often gone to New Berne & taken with him a Valise & Trunk which I have no doubt contained goods taken from me, to dispose of---  Also that he has a blacksmiths shop in New Berne and has built or is building himself a house there. He has a house here, that he sold for one hundred dollars & on which he received forty dollars leaving sixty dollars due on the same - That he could not do all this besides supporting his family on his monthly wages, it is evident the [[nessits'??]] came from my store and I am led to believe that his purloining account in the aggregate to several hundred and perhaps as much as a thousand dollars. Had I been in possession of these facts I should have made application to you before he left the place----  Can you render me any aid in the matter of getting restitution - ought I not in justice to have the proceeds of the sixty dollars now due on his house here & can you give

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me an order to receive the same--And should it appear that he or his wife has any amount of in New Berne either in House, money or otherwise, could it not be reached that a portion of loss may be replaced.  Will you please give this statement a consideration and advise me what to do in relation to it.

Yours Very Respectfully
(signed) F.P. Whitney
[[margin]] Rec'd March 14th 1866

Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Sub District of Beaufort N.C.
March 14th 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Capt. F.A. Seely Supt. & Dist. of N.C. with a request that the within named Lewis Cheny "freedman" be arrested and if possible caused to make restitutions to Mr. Whitney as he is a merchant from the North and one who has always, as far as I can learn been kind to the Freedmen of this place. Such abuse of confidence as Cheny has shown does harm to the Freedmen and should be severely punished.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.


Endorsement on Vouchers for back pay sent by J.W. Nichols Paymaster U.S.A. to Josiah Brown and Samuel Mashier late Privates 33rd U.S.C.T.
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. of Beaufort N.C.
March 15th 1866

Respectfully returned to Lt. Col. J.W. Nichols Paymaster U.S.A. with information that the parties named in the within accounts cannot be found here.  From what I learn the 33rd Regt. U.S.C.T. has not been in this state.  There is no Freedman's Bank here, Perhaps Beaufort S.C. may reach them.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst Supt.