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Bu. R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. E. Dist. N.C.
[[footnote 1]]
New Berne Mch 27th 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt. Rich'd Dillon
Asst. Supt. for information - Papers to be returned - 

[[footnote 2]] (Signed) F.A. Seely Capt & Supt.
Bu of R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. Beaufort N.C.
March 30th 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt. F.A. Seely Supt. E. Dist. N.C. attention invited to enclosed report.

[[footnote 3]] [[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Ass't. Sup't.

[[footnote 1]] Rec'd Mch 27th 1866
[[footnote 2]] R.B. page 78 
[[footnote 3]] See L.B. Page 37.


Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Sub District Beaufort N.C.
March 26th 1866

In compliance with S.O. No. 8. C.S. H'd. Qr's. Ass't. Com'r. N.C. Lots 5 & 12 &c. Block 5 Morehead City N.C. heretofore recorded as Webb & Moore's property, this day are turned over to J.W. O'Neil.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst Supt.


Copy of Endorsement on communications of Pelletier Levi R. requesting restoration of two story house and Lots No. 1 & 2 Block 74 Morehead City N.C.

Headquarters Department of N.C.
Raleigh N.C. March 22d 1866

[[footnote 1]] Respectfully returned to the Com'd'g Officer Post of Morehead City who will have Mr. Pelletier put in possession of his house when it is no longer needed for the Post Hospital

By order of Bv't. Maj. Gen'l Ruger
(Signed) J.A. Campbell

[[footnote 1]] See L.B. page 40 


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Office Dep0t Commissary of Subsistence
Department of North Carolina
Morehead City N.C. April 7th 1866

Dillon. Capt. Richard
Ass't. Sup't. Bu. of R.F. & A.L.
Beaufort, N.C.

I have the honor to inform you that the dwelling house now occupied by me in Morehead City N.C. as Quarters was received by me from Captain Logan H. Roots C.S.V. on the first day of May 1865 and has been occupied by me since that time.

I am, Captain,
Very Respectfully,
Your Ob'd't. Serv't.
(Signed) Geo W Chandler
Brevet Major C.S.V.


Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
H'd Qr's. Sub Dist Beaufort N.C.
April 7th 1866

Respectfully referred to Cap't. F.A. Seely Sup't. E. Dist. N.C. for his information

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Ass't. Sup't.


Hd. Qrs. Dept. of North Carolina
Office Chief Q'r. M'r. Raleigh April 6th 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt. R. Dillon Ass't. Supt. Bu R.F. & A.L. The claim mentioned within was referred to Capt. Thos. P. Johnson A.Q.M. from this office March 13th 1866.

[[footnote 1]] Col. & Cheif Q'r M'r.

[[footnote 2]] Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Sub Dis't. Beaufort N.C. April 10/66

Respectfully referred to Cap't. F.A. Seely A.Q.M. Sup't E. Dis't. of N.C. who will please forward to Cap't. Johnson

[[footnote 1]] E.B. 172 
[[footnote 2]] See L.B. page 41 Rec'd back Apr 9th 1866

Transcription Notes:
(Thos. P. "Johnson" a misspelling of "Johnston")