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Capt. V.R.C. and Ass't Sup't.


[[margin]] Whittlesey [[/margin]] To Col E Whittlesey Asst. Com. of Freedmen's Bureau for N.C.

The petitioner would respectfully represent that he is the owner of two lots of land in the Town of Beaufort, North Carolina known in the plot of said Town, as Lots Nos. 159 & 167 one hundred and Fifty nine and hundred and Sixty seven (Old Town) now in the possession of the Freedmen's Bureau. You would refer to the Certified Copy of his deed, accompanying this petition as evidence of tittle

The petitioner would state that the said lots of ground are now occupied by several families of Col. persons who have erected buildings thereon, and that in the event of their restoration to him, he will lease or sell the said land to them, on fair and reasonable terms, they having manifested a desire to lease or purchase the Same.
The petitioner would also refer to the annexed Copy of the oath of Amnesty administered to him under President Johnston Proclamation of Amnesty, dated May 29th, 1865 the same having been taken in good faith and in the fullness of spirit. He would further [[strikethrough]] Certify that he does not come within any of the exceptions enumerated in the aforesaid Proclamation of Amnesty, From the facts herein set forth, the petitioner would pray the restoration of said Town Lots to his ownership and possession
(Sgd.) Wm V Geffroy
Beaufort N.C. Apl. 10/66


Rec'd Sub Dist Bt. Apl 11/66
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Beaufort N.C. Apl. 11-1866

[[margin]] Geffroy [[/margin]] 
Respectfully forwarded to Capt. F.A. Seelly Supt E Dist N.C. Bu of R.F.A.L. with information that the within described property Three (3) Freedmen has erected, each a dwelling house on it. They will be able to purchase or lease it, if a reasonable time is given them 1/2 of Lot No. 167. is Leased to Anson Davis until Augt. 1866

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt VR.C. and Asst. Supt.


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Beaufort N.C. April 10th, 1866
Dillon Richard Capt. and Asst Supt. Bu of R.F. & A.L.

I have the honor to inform you that the "Freedmen" of this town, feeling the necessity of providing a ruminant School in which their children can be educated (the edifice in which their children are now educated being but temporarily occupied) and having purchased and paid for ground on which to erect a Schoolhouse and having chosen trustees and placed in their hands the Sum of three hundred Dollars for the erection of each building now respectfully request that one of the hospital Wards situated at Morehead City N.C. and understood to be in charge of the Freedmen's Bureau, be donated to the trustees to enable them to complete the Schoolhouse they so much desire.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully Yours &c
Sigd. H.P. Beals Missionary
& Supt Freedmen's School -


Rec'd Hd Qrs Sub Dist April 11/66

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Hd Qrs Sub Dist Beaufort N.C. Apl. 11th, 1866

[[margin]] Beals- [[/margin]]

Respectfully forwarded to Capt F. A. Seely Supt. E Dist N.C.
Bu. of R.F. & A.L. with recommendation that if the within request be granted, Ward No. "7" be designated
Sgd. Richard Dillon Capt V.R.C.
& Asst Supt.


Rec. Apl 11.66
Swansboro Onslow Co. N.C. April 10th 1866

[[margin]] Dillon [[/margin]] Agt. of the Freedmen Bureau

Dear Sir. I feel under the necessity of Calling upon you for some aids in a matter which in connected with two white gentleman of Onslow County about 4 months ago. I purchased a gun from one Mr. Joseph Bell of Swansboro, at $8.00 and on the Same day the Capt. of Police Wm P Pellitier arrested the gun from my possession and placed it in the hands of his Lieutenant Howard Mattock, then after that the Lieutenant delivered the
