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Specification I

In this that he Nathan White freedman of the County of Carteret and State of North Carolina did seize hold of a wounded or dead hog the property of John Saberton for the purpose of unlawfully taking possession of it without the consent of the owner near Newport in Carteret County and State of North Carolina on or about the 15th of April 1866.

Specification II In this, that he, Nathan White freedman of the County of Cartinet and State of North Carolina, did seize hold of a ^[[insertion]] wound or dead [[/insertion]] hog the property of John Saberton near Newport in the County of Carteret and State of North Carolina on or about the 15th day of April 1866. And when resisted by said John Saberton the lawful owner of the hog, did drive said owner away from his lawful property by seizing a gun and attempting to strike him with it Said hog has since been missing

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Brv. R.F. & A.L. for Carteret & Onslow Cos. N.C,

John Saberton Newport Carteret Co N.C.

Beaufort N.C. Apl. 1866

[[footnote]] See L. B. Page 46 Newport Carteret County N.C. Apl, 18/66 [[/footnote]]
[[Mmrgin]] [[Mann?]] [[/margin]]
Elgi Agent for Rebecca K. Katsall [[strikethrough]] charges [[/strikethrough]] of Carteret County State of North Carolina, charges Bristow Edwards Charles Lewis & Virgil Williams Freedmen Killing a steer and unlawfully carying off the Carcass of Said steer. the property of Mrs. Rebecca K Katsall of same [[insertion]] [[using?]] [[/insertion]] Jones Pond Carteret County N.C. on or about the 15th day of April 1866.
Carteret County
State of North Carolina


Personally appeared before me Frances C Hill justice of the peace for and in the County of Castinet and state of North Carolina, William Small, who after being duly sworn desposeth and saith that on or about the 16th April 1866 he was going to Clifford's Creek in the County Of Carteret N.C. on business net Bristow Edwards and Charles Lewis freedmen in a wagon or cart drawn by a pony. Lewis driving having a beef in the wagon or cart, having suspicious that the parties stole the beef, I turned and followed after them upto near

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Newport N.C. when they were about turning away from it, I ordered them to drive to the market, in Newport N.C. Then Bristow Edwards above mentioned took up his gun out of the wagon or cart and jumped out of the wagon, and refused to come to town. I fired (3) three shots at him he pointing his gun at me. He then ran away then brought Charles Lewis above mentioned and the cart with its contents and turned them over to J.J. Dennis Town Clerk of Newport N.C.
Sgd William Sewall
Inscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April 1866 at Newport N.C.
Sgd Isaac S. Hill J.P.

County of Carteret
State of North Carolina
[[Margin]] Dennis [[/margin]]

Personally appeared before me Isaac S. Hill Justice of the peace for and in the County of Carteret State of North Carolina  J.I. Dennis who after being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that on or about the 16th day of April 1866 he received a pony and cart, from William Small, said Cart containing what was supposed the Carcass of a Stolen Steer, said cart was driven by a "freedman named Charles Lewis, He further states that he turned over the pony and cart to J.L. Bell, who agreed to take care of them, some time after Virgil Williams :freedman" came to him and inquired where his horse and cart was as he heard it was up in town, he questioned Williams how his cart came to have that beef in it  He Williams Stated that about 2 Oclock on Monday morning the 16th [[crossed out - Met with]] of April 1866, Bristow Edwards came to his house, to get his horse and cart, He Williams further stated that it was not his custom to let or lend his horse without his son in law drove him

Sgd J.I. Dennis
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April 1866 at Newport N.C.
Sgd Isaac S. Hill J.P.

Carteret County 
State of North Carolina
[[Margin]] Saberstow [[/margin]]
Personally appeared before me Isaac S. Hill Justice of the Peace for and in the County of Carteret and State of North Carolina John Saberton who after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that on or about the 15th of April 1866
