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which is now in possession of or under the control of Capt. Richard Dillon V.R.C. Asst. Superintendant of Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c for N.C. which he alledges was turned over to him by the Military Authorities of the Federal Government. Your petitioner believes that if this property was so turned over that it was done by mistake, but whether done by mistake or otherwise your petitioner has been duly pardoned by the President of the United States and has taken the oath required by law or by the proclamation of the President  He therefore Prays that this Property be restored to him and as in duty bound will ever pray

(Sgd) Jon Morehead

Recd Hd Qrs Sub Dist Beaufort N.C. July 3/66 

Bu R.F & A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Beaufort N.C. July 6/66

Weigel  Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Col W H Weigel A.A.G. Supt. Bu R.F. & A.L. E. Dist N.C. with the information, that Bvt Maj T.P. Johnston [[Ag'n't?]] Chf Q.M. Bu R.F. & A.L. State N.C. is responsiable for the within named property.  It [[strikethrough]] is designated [[/strikethrough]] being on his papers as public property. Tis designated as an Office 18 by 22 ft. From what I learn relative to it   

It has been carried on the papers of the Various QMs of this post. as public property, and has been turned over to the Bureau as such.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.

Greensboro N.C. June 28th 1866

Robinson General
Your Petitioner infants of tender years by their mother a natural guardian Ann Eliza Evans, show to your Honor that your Petitioners Eliza Johnson Evans and Smith Evans are the only Children and Heirs at Law of Peter G Evans deceased, that their father P.G. Evans departed this life in July 1863, signed & Possessed of a House and several lots adjoining with some small buildings thereon in the City of Morehead N.C.

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That they are informed that said Property is in Charge of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c that the same has been and now is under rent by said Bureau.

Your petitioners pray that their property may be restored to them, that they and their mother, who has duly taken the oath of Amnesty may have a house of their own to occupy, this property being their residence prior to the late war and the further pray that whatever rents may have been received, may be paid over to them.

They show that they are destitute of income and have resided and now reside in the house of a friend and have done so for several years past, the war being now over, they hope that their property may be restored to them, which ought to have done at an earlier day

But your Petitioners having no legal guardian are compelled to make this application through their Mother and Natural guardian and your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray

Eliza Johnson Evans
Smith Evans {in {pr [[?]]
by their Mother a Natural Guardian
(Sgd) Annie Eliza Evans

Bu R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Beaufort N.C. July 6/66

Weigel  Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Col W. H. Weigel A.A. Genl Supt Bu R.F. & A L. E Dist N.C. with the information that the within named property was Abandoned by Peter G Evans. It is now leased to Bvt Maj Geo W. Chandler A.C.S.V. The rents collected was forwarded to the Financial Agent of Bu of R.F. & A.L. in accordance with existing orders.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.

Transcription Notes:
unsure of the name Bvt Col W. H. Wright corrected to "Weigel"