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Freed Woman applied to me some time for an order to get her Child I inquired of her if her child was refused to her she replied no I then informed her I could do nothing for her until the parties holding the child refused to give it up. she has since went to her former owner Mr Hirst who has informed her that [strikethrough] the [[/strikethrough] the Child is bound to him approved by the Officer in Charge at New Berne. As she informed me that she was going to New Bern I desired her to call at your office. I think when I was in New Berne I seen a Copy of the indentures of this Child in your office approved [[B?]] by Brvt Maj Seely. If you do not consider the indenture valid please send me instructions I will be going to Onslow County in a week or 10 days and I then will attend to it

[ signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt V.R.C and Asst Supt


Office of the Wardens of the Poor
of Carteret County Sept 4th 1866.

Dillon Capt R. Dillon
Asst Supt &c

In reply to your note of the 31st ult transmitting Circular No 10 Bureau R.F. & A.L the undersigned Wardens of the Poor of Cateret Co respectfully represent to the Authorities of the Bureau that this County is entirely unable to meet the additional burden proposed to be laid upon it in the above mentioned Circular  The Taxes already rendered necescary to meet the interest and principal of a Rail Road Debt of $50,000 besides a large indebtedness to private individuals, and for the 

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Support of the prest number of paupers which have been greatly increased during the war are as heavy as the County can possibly bear besides according to the laws now in force no fund can be raised by taxation till late in 1867 so that if the County could bear the proposed increase in the number of paupers it would be absolutely impossible to make the necessary provision for the support by the 1st of October 1866

The Undersigned while willing to extend to the Colored paupers all the aid which humanity would require within their means are firmly Convinced that the County is already taxed to the extent of its ability for the Support of the poor and would suggest the establishment of an Orphan Asylum for for Freedmen in order that this Class may be saved much actual Suffering  The effect of the proposed order would be to impose upon this County the duty of supporting large numbers of freedmen who migrated here during the war from other States and other Counties of this State in order to Escape from a State of Slavery and in the opinion of the Undersigned it would be Clearly unjust to tax this County for their support  It is worthy the Consideration of the Bureau which Can Command the necessary means how far it is expedient to provide for the removal of such persons to those Counties to which they legitimately belong  In Conclusion the Undersigned would repeat their opinion deliberately formed upon a view of all the facts that the execution of the plan proposed in Cir. No. 10 will entail upon the Freedmen much Suffering which they would be willing if they were not powerless to relieve
Wm B Duncan
Geo W Taylor
James Ward Sgnd
Isaac Ramsey " [[ditto for Sgnd]]
Benj L. Perry " [[ditto for Sgnd]]

Transcription Notes:
"ult" means "of the previous month" "prest" for "present"?