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Morehead City N.C.
Dec 15th 1866

[[Margin]] Dillon
Dear Sir
As to [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] Box I did Telegraph to Goldsboro to have him stopped and sent back and own it as Mayor because I thought it my duty to do so as [[underlined]] David Ambrose [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Riley Jenkins [[/underlined]] (Col'd) were citizens of [[underlined]] My Town [[/underlined]] and I thought it hard for them to have the  the Bond to pay if it was in my power to [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] ^[[prevent]] it. No intention on my part to injure [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] Riley says he instructed Mr, Dill to stop the box and that he paid for the dispatch and that he is responsible for all and not myself and says he so stated to you yesterday.  [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] wrote to [[underlined]] David S. Jones [[/underlined]] to send the box to Rome Ga his wife wrote to her mother to get the box and keep it until she came back she also wrote to [[underlined]] Mrs. Jones [[/underlined]] to get the box and send it to her mother also to send her money to come back on, the letters I cannot get but can prove all I state, also [underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] states he was given up to the [[underlined  Sheriff [[/underlined]] that was not so. [[underlined Riley [[/underlined]] did ask the [[underlined]] Sheriff [[/underlined]] if he would take him the [[underlined]] Sheriff [[/underlined]] said yes and told the [[underlined]] Jailor [[/underlined]] to put him in jail and [[underlined]] Riley [[/underlined]] said no he would stand for him until tomorrow and [[underlined]] Clay [[/underlined]] promised him to stay all of this I can prove these men say I shant pay the cost of the box and it looks hard for them to pay all I did was for them and not for myself and they have paid already [[underlined]] 4 or $5 [[/underlined]] expenses I went to Court myself and stated the case to the [[underlined]] solicitor [[/underlined]] and got him to stop all proceedings against them and free of charge and they will so state in their letter to you. and if there is any more expense attached to this affair it will have to come out of them they are both poor men and have large families.  Enclosed you will find a joint letter from [[underlined]] Riley & David [[/underlined]] it was out of my power to get this over tonight as the weather is so bad all this letter contains I can prove if necessary hoping to be relieved soon from any further trouble  I Remain Yours &.c  (sgnd) B Arendell

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Morehead City N.C.
Dec 15th 1866
[[Margin]] Dillon Capt

Dear Sir
We got [[underlined]] Mr Arendell [[/underlined]] to telegraph to Goldsboro to stop [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] as we were his Bondsmen for his appearance at Court. [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] ran away and left us the Bond to pay, he never was given up to the Sheriff it was all a friendly act on the part of [[underlined]] Mr. Arendell [[/underlined]] towards us with no intention to injure [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] we paid all the Cost. [[underlined]] Mr. Arendell [[/underlined]] attended to it for us free of charge anything we can do for him we are very willing to do it. it is our desire that [[underlined]] Mr. Arendell [[/underlined]] be relieved from any further trouble concerning the Box.  We being also Col'd request your power to be exercised in our behalf as well as [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] and we dont want any further expense attached us as we are poor Men and have paid enough already

Very Respectfully 
Your Most Obed Ser't
(sgnd) Riley his X mark Jenkins
(sgnd) David his X mark Ambrose


Morehead City 
December 17th 1866
[[Margin]] Nelson Joseph
Chf of Police Goldsboro NC

You will please deliver the Box I ordered you to Stop, belonging to [[underlined]] Henry Clay [[/underlined]] to the Officer of the Freedmans Bureau at Goldsboro free of charge to be forwarded to Rome Ga

Very Respectfully etc
Your Obdt Servt
(sgnd) B. Arendell
Mayor of Morehead

Transcription Notes:
from "Tips" page: Please write strikethrough or underlined, when appropriate, in double brackets before and after the word or phrase that has been struck out or underlined.