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[[underlined]] Fondervilles [[/underlined]] and take the Child from him and give it up to her [[underlined]] Father [[/underlined]] her proper [[underlined]] Guardian [[/underlined]]. The order of the Asst. Comr. will not be complied with. From here to where the [[underlined]] Father [[/underlined]] of the child lives (30) thirty miles by water and (90) miles by land. Then from there to Fondervilles who has the child is about 45 miles
Richard Dillon
Capt VRC and Asst Supt
Bureau RF and A Lands
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist of Beaufort NC
Beaufort NC Jan 14th 1867
Fort Macon NC
January 16th 1864

Dillon Capt
Chf of Freedmens Bureau


I have taken the liberty to write to you concerning that claim of my brothers wife for his back pay and Bounty it is believed generally that this Regiment is about to be mustered out of the service and I should be greatly indebted to you if you would use your valuable influence to aid her to Procure it as soon as possible for she is in great need

Respectfully Your Obdt Servt
(Signed) Sergt John Joiner
Co I 37th USCT
Fort Macon NC
Bureau RF and A Lands
Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Beaufort NC
Beaufort NC Jan 14th 1867


Respectfully forwarded to Lieut Joseph H Allison VRC and Asst Supt Rocky Mount Sub District the Lt. Col. S. Moore V.R.C. and Supt. The widow of Jack Jones lives near Rocky Mount and will call at the office of Lt. Allison

Richard Dillon
Capt VRC and Asst Supt

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County Court Clerks Office Jacksonville
Onslow County N Carolina January 16th 1867

Dillon Capt R.
Beaufort N.C.

Dear Sir

Your letter in regard to the binding of your Free children by the County Court of Onslow County at December Term and dated Beaufort Jan 4th 1867 is to hand and in reply I herewith transmit to you the Order of the Court "viz"

Ordered that [[underlined]] "Nathan Williams" [[/underlined]] twelve years old [[underlined]] Hannah Williams [[/underlined]] ten years old [[underlined]] Isaac Williams [[/underlined]] eight years old and [[underlined]] George Williams [[/underlined]] six years old (Colored) be bound as apprentices [[underlined]] to John Williams [[/underlined]] until they arrive at age

The court was as follows [[underlined]] Harvey Cox [[/underlined]] Chairman [[underlined]] JB [[?]] J A Freshnater Joseph Emmett[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] John P Coxv [[/underlined]]

I am Sir
Respectfully your Obdt Servt
(sgnd) AJ Johnston CCC
of Onslow County
Bureau RF and A Lands
Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Beaufort NC
Beaufort NC Jan 26th 1867

Moore Respectfully returned to Lt Col S Moore VRC Supt attention invited to enclosed statement of AJ Johnston C.C.C. Onslow Co N.C. In the binding of Col'd minors by the County Courts the requirement to the law relative to the consent of the Parents or Guardians is generaly totally disregarded and in order to correct this evil I would respectfully recommend that the County Courts be not allowed to bind Col'd minors as apprentices until the Legislature of the state passes laws imposing a sufficient Penalty on the Chairman of the Court who will authorize the binding of a Col'd minor without the consent of the parent given before the court and with his or her free consent. And in cases where the minor is claimed to be an orphan without Father and Mother sworn evidence to that effect. The law of the State gives [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
.no need for [[start of 1st page]] and [[end of 2nd page]]--See SI Tips page [[end page]] [[start page]] when one page/column ends and another begins