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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd Qrs Asst Comr N.C
Raleigh NC Aprl 20th/67


Respectfully referred to Capt Richard Dillon Asst Supt (M Supt East Dist) for his remarks.

By Command of
Col James V Bomford
[[?]] Act'g Asst Comr
Jacob F Churr
Bvt Lt. Col. AAAG

E.B. P (207)


Bureau of Refugees Freedmen
Office Supt East Dist
New Bern April 24th 1867


Respectfully forwarded to

A W Bolenius
Capt V.R.C. and Bvt Major.
Actg Supt.

(EBP 4 Vol 2)


Bureau of RF and AL
Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Beaufort
Beaufort N.C May 2d 1867


Respectfully returned to Bvt Lt Col JF Churr Supt [[insertion]] tro Lt Col S. Moore Supt [[/insertion]] with the information that I enquired of Mr Page related to the parties who has his furniture he informs me James Willis Thomas Parkins and others also that the executors of the late Dr Salter formerly Surgeon in charge of Foster US Genl Hospital sold some of his furniture. Mr Pages Hotel was the Hospital there is no record in this Office of the furniture having been sold for the benefit of the United States

Richard Dillon
Capt VRC Asst Sup

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub District of Beaufort NC
Beaufort NC May

see Page 121

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Supt Eastn Dist N.C.
Newbern N.C. May 1/67


Respectfully forwarded to Lt Col J F Churr A.A.A.G. Approved

EB P.7

(Sgd) Stephen Moore Lt. Col. Supt.


Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Asst. Commr.
Raleigh N.C. May 3rd 1867


Respectfully referred to Revd F A Fiske Supt of Education for remarks

By order of Col Nelson A Miles
Bvt Maj Genl, Asst Comr.
(Sgd) Jacob F Chur
Bvt Lt Col and A.A.A.Genl

EBP 220 Vol 1


Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office Supt of Education
Raleigh N.C. May 7th 1867


Respectfully returned to Col J.F. Chur A.A.A. Genl. with my present information I am not prepared to recommend the appropriation requested as necessary, but as the demand does not seem to be immediatly  urgent, I would respectfully suggest that action on this petition be deferred till I shall visit Morehead City, as I am expecting to during the month when I can obtain full and definite information and express an opinion more intelligently

F A Fiske
Supt of Education


Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Asst. Commr.
Raleigh May 7th 1867