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War Department
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned lands
Office Chief Quartermaster
Washington June 14th 1867
Respectfully returned. The Orders authorizing the purchase reported on this office's Abstract to account of Bureau Stores for February 1867 not being made in proper form as provides by Par 436 B.R. are returned herewith for the approval of the Asst Commissioner for N.C. Abstract "B" returned herewith for correction the Articles release in the first division as purchased and paid for Being Unjust by the accompanying vouchers as purchased and not paid for should thereon be entered in the second division Attention is invited to the provisions of Par 1 & its emendation Art 3 Burea Officers Manual which provides the manner in which all purchases should be made.  Also to the provision of Cir No 20 1867 Comm Bu RF and AL copy enclosed herewith relative to copies or orders supporting accounts how Certified
By Command of
Major Genl O. O. Howard
[[footnote]] See Letter Book P. 139
[[footnote]] Thro Bvt Lt Col T.P. Johnston
Raleigh N.C.

Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Head Quarters Sub Dist of Beaufort N.C.
Beaufort N.C. June 28th 1867
[[Margin]] Whittelsey
Respectfully returned Correction to Bvt Brig Genl Henry M Whittelsey Chf QM Bu of R.F. and A.L. Thro Bvt Lt. Col. T. P. Johnston Chf Q.M. Bu RF and AL State N.C.

The Orders mentioned in Gen'l Whittelsey's endorsement has not reached this office.
Richard Dillon
Capt VRC Asst. Supt.

Beaufort Carteret Co N.C.
June 19th 1867

Saulton J.J. Major
Com'dg Post
New Berne N.C.
I have the honor to inform you that the present Sheriff of Carteret County N.C. J. Henry Davis has tendered his resignation to the County Court on May 30th 1867 and holds on until his successor is appointed or to August  Term of the County Court when his term of office expires.  In view of this I respectfully ask for the appointment of Sheriff of this County
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obed Servt
(Sgd) James Sample

Bureau of RF and AL
Hd Qrs Sub Div & Sub Dist
Beaufort N.C. July 5th 1867

Van Horn
Respectfully forwarded to [[strikethrough]] Capt J W Clous AAA Genl 2d Mil Dist [[/strikethrough]]
Bvt Maj J.J. Van Horn Comg Post New Bern N.C. thro Lt Col S Moore VRC Sub Asst Commr. The within applicant for position of Sheriff of Carteret County N.C. vice J Henry Davis is a good Union man. can take the required Oath and is fully competent to discharge the duties of Sheriff I respectfully recommend him for that position.
Richard Dillon
Capt V.R.C. Asst Sub Asst Com