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Beaufort NC
July 1st 1867

Dillon Captain
I beg leave respectfully to call your attention to the fact that there is quite a number of vagrants in the Town of Beaufort without any visible means of support and the Authority of the Bureau is invoked to take such steps as may in your discretion be expedient to remedy this evil It is suggested that these offenders might by being put to work on the Streets of the Town be compelled to abandon their injurious habits and thereby render some service to the Public. Your attention is directed to an act of the Legislature of N.C. dated March 2nd 1866, for a description of the Class of Offenders herein pointed out you will perceive that the County is unable to bear the expense that would be neccessarilly incurred by an attempt to execute the provisions of that Act, and your interposition would doubtless meet the approbation of the Civil Authorities and receive the thanks of the Community

I have the honor to be very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Sgnd [[I? J?]] Henry Davis
Sheriff Carteret County

letter recd


Bureau of R F and A.L
Hd Qrs Sub Div 3d Sub District
Beaufort N.C July 6th 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Lt Col J F Churr. AAA Genl. thro Lt Col S Moore VR.C Sub Asst Commr for the information and action of the Asst Commr. The Laws of North Carolina for 1866 Page 111 punishes Vagrancy by Fines and Confinement. Owing to the impoverished condition of Carteret and Onslow Counties, the law is inoperable as neither County is able to keep the vagrants in prison. In view of this and the better to induce all persons to be honest and industrious, I respectfully suggest that all persons found idling about without visible means of Support be declared Vagrants and be arrested and compelled to work in Chain Gangs on the Streets of Cities and Towns, and on public roads. It is

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hoped that an order to this effect will cause those persons to go in in the Country and seek for employment where it is much needed the Order to apply to Whites and Colored

Richard Dillon
Capt V.R.C Asst Sub Asst Commr.


Beaufort N.C
July 19th 1867.

Dillon Bvt Maj Richard
Bu of R F and A.L
Beaufort N.C

Respected Sir
I have the honor to be informed by Bvt Major A. Coats Bu R F and A.L Office of Asst Supt Claim Div of the U.S.A. stationed at New Bern N.C that he has in hand for me the Naval Bounty allowed me by the US Government and as it would be attended with a good deal of trouble and expense for me to go to New Bern and identify myself to receive it please direct Bvt Major A Coats Bu R.F. and A.L Asst Supt Claim Div of the USA stationed at New Bern N.C to forward said bounty to me through you at Beaufort N.C and you will greatly oblige me.

I am with respect your Obdt Servt
(Sgnd) John E Henry
late of US Navy



Bureau R.F. and A.L
Hd Qrs Sub Div 3d Sub Dist
Beaufort NC July 20th 1867

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj A Coats thro Lt Col S. Moore VRC & A. Comr. It will be more convenient and less expensive to this man to get his money through the Office than to go to New Bern

Richard Dillon
Capt VRC Asst Sub Asst Commr

