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Newport N.C. July (no date on communication but this)

[[Margin]] Miles [[/margin]]


Sir noticing your Circular No. 13 of July 1st/67. in regard to Officers of the Bureau attending to the Freedmen being justly dealth with and instructed to register and vote. I hope that you will not deem it presumption in me who is not one of the Bureau to interfere. I would not have done so if I did not feel that it is Obligatory upon me as a member of the Iron Clad Society and a Acting Justice of the Peace of the County of Carteret, and having the interest of the Freedmen at heart as well as the Union Republican party, I was appointed by Governor Holden as a Justice. There are persons here in my Vicinity who use all kinds of means to keep them from voting Some men after they have lain in their crops turn them out of the houses which they furnished them to farm with this is done for the purpose of keeping them from voting the Republican Ticket I will furnish you their names in a few days.  If they dont let them have their houses back and let them vote without threatning to turn them off. Most of the Whites deal Justly with the Cold men but I have some difficulty to make others pay them their daily wages. Gov. Holden instructed me to write to the Hon Thaddeus Stevens but I thought I could get it strait from you, and General Sickles. The whole County of Carteret took the Oath of Allegiance in 186[[5?]]. Now General some of these men are doing everything they can against the Government and to enslave the Freedmen in their rights  I wish to have your opinion in regard to this matter. If after theese men having taken the oath generally called the Butler Oath they swore to have no dealing or correspondence with Rebels and support all laws made by Congress after taking that Oath and then break it in everyway and every day and night I wish to know if these men can be allowed to vote and not be subject to Indictment for perjury. Please write me upon receipt of this Capt Dillon of the Bureau for the Counties of Carteret and Onslow is acquainted with me, he is at Beaufort. I sincerely hope you will forgive me but I deemed it my duty, as a County Officer and Physician I Remain with high respect Your [[obt Srvt?]]
(Sgnd) Cicero W Hill M.D. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


Bureau RF and AL
Hd Qr Asst Com N.C.
Raleigh July 17th 1867
[[Margin]] Dillon [[/margin]]

Respectfully referred to Capt Richard Dillon A.S.A. Com thro Lt Col S Moore Sub Asst Com

By Order of Col N.A. Miles
Bvt Maj Genl Asst Comr
Jacob F. Chur
Bvt Lt. Col. A.A.A.G.
[[margin mid note]] [[see?]]


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist No. 3
New Bern NC July 19th 1867
[[Margin]] Dillon [[/margin]]

Respectfully referred to Capt Richard Dillon VRC Asst Sub Asst Commr
[[Margin mid-note]] [[see?]]
(EB P 43) 


Rec'd Hd Qrs Sub Div 3d Sub Dist July 20th 1867

Bureau of RF and AL
Hd Qrs Sub Div 3d Sub District
Beaufort NC July 22d 1867

[[Margin]] Hill [[/margin]]

Respectfully referred to Cicero Hill M.D who will please State who are the white men interfering or threatning to interfere with Freedmen in their rights as Freedmen relative to to the elective franchise or any of the rights appertaining to a Citizen and also please state the names of the Freedmen interfered with This paper and report to be returned to these Head Quarters immediately.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt V.R.C Asst Sub Asst Commr
[[Margin]] [[see?]] [[/margin]]


Transcription Notes:
Butler Oath › blog › oaths-of-loyalty-to-the-u-s-were-common... All 4 of these letters have a squiggle in the margin at the middle of the letter - not sure what, if anything, it means