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Office Depot Commissary of Subsistence
Morehead City N.C.
February 1st 1866

I have the honor to submit the following facts as connected with the release from custody by the Civil Authorities of Henry Clay and Stark Tillery (Freedmen) arrested on or about the 20th day of January 1866.

The Commanding Officer of this Post received a telegraphic dispatch from Col. Campbell Asst Adjt. Gen. Dept A.C. directing him to let the said Clay and Tillery remain in the hands of the Civil Authorities until a report should be made and forwarded by him to said Hd Qrs. The Report was made and forwarded on the 24th day of Jan. 1866, this morning the 1st inst the Mayor of this City without any authority from the Commandant of the Post released said Clay and Tillery upon their paying fines to the following amounts viz

Henry Clay    Thirty dollars  $30,00
Stark Tillery Five dollars    $5,00
