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Country: Guadeloupe




Transcription Notes:
Maze [[12/12/19 How do we know this is from France? Katie]] This plant is from the Caribbean, handwriting plus a hazy knowledge of french makes this hard, but it appears to refer to "Christie terre" which could be lands around Christie. 2. Hippolyte Mazé lived in Guadeloupe. "selon Christserre (or something like this)" means that "Christserre" (or something like this) was behing the change in the name of the plant from "Cyathea arborea to Cyathea serra. The label says : "Commune dans les ... et les friches de 20-1200 m et plus. Terreuse (?)", which means: common in the ... and in the wasteland from 20 to 1200 m and more. Earthly".