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and witness saw him divers times, balance of the day - that night [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[strikethrough]] prisoner slept at his mother's. Wednesday, he brought ^[[out]] the horse & showed what a good trade he had made- a dozen of his neighbors were out in front of his house, looking at the horse- He took him off, and sold him to Mrs Christmond- He went about his regular business- Didn't try to escape. Thursday, he was arrested, laid in jail all that week & next week. Mr Wilson got him clear. 

(Col d) [[underlined]] Mary Bond [[/underlined]] - Examined as to capacity- Admitted. Wife of last witness, & knows the same facts, which she gives in detail. 

(Col d) Kitty Thomas- Examined & admitted- Is mother of prisoner & the other witness- Prisoner lives with her- Didn't sleep at home, on Monday night before he was arrested. understood he slept at his brother's. Slept at home every other night before & after, for a month past, until arrested- Testifies in detail to same identification, as first witness.