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[[preprinted]] Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, ^[[December 21st]] 186^[[7]]. [[/preprinted]]

Bvt. Maj. S. N. Clark.
A.A.A. General.

Major:-  The Asst. Com'r directs that you make a careful personal examination of the affairs of the "Home for Freed Children", at Brooklyn, N.Y., with reference to the alleged cruel treatment of children in that institution and the honesty, or otherwise, of those connected therewith. If cruel treatment has been inflicted, has it been in isolated cases or has it been the custom of the officers to use it?

The Asst. Com'r believes that should we continue our support of the institution that it should be put directly and fully under the control of the African Civilization Society.

You may take the necessary steps for this end unless prepared to recommend the discontinuance of the institution.

Mr. Putnam, Chairman of a committee appointed by a public meeting, held to consider the