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Md. Ave. bet 12th & 13th West }
Wash'n D.C.                   }
March 16, 1868                }

Brig Gen'l  Chas. H. Howard
Asst Com'r Bureau Ref. Freed & A Lands
Dist. of Columbia,


In reply to your communication of Mch 12th 1868, stating that proposals for the erection of buildings for Freedmen near Lincoln Depot, and stating that it was desirable to build as cheaply as consistent with good work &c. I respectfully propose to erect thirty six of the houses specified, in a good workmanlike manner, including carpenter's work, brick work, plastering, Painting &c for Eight Hundred and Twenty Dollars Each; and to be completed within a reasonable time. Money to be advanced monthly as the work progresses to the satisfaction of the parties interested. Satisfactory sureties will be given by me at the proper time for the faithful completion of the contract.

Very Respectfully,
[[signature]] James Stewart. [[/signature]]