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message and retired to the bar. For all the darkness in there, it was daylight outside when we walked home. I love it. So much sun.

Dec. 15 Friday
Day spent revising plans: Bresnahan saw me early and said Cassidy radioed in that he wanted us at Darwin Glacier ASAP  Letter-writing, repacking & making ready for snow & ice school. Susan & Peter said goodbye & I missed her immediately.  My roommate has a frightful cold & Dean has a cold. I still hope to avoid catching one. So far I missed getting Carleton's at Fuches on Meteor Crater & Tom's in Tucson.

Sat. Dec 16
After early breakfast off to snow & ice school. The 2 gung-ho Kiwis who usually run it are off in dry valleys on search-&-rescue exercises so Lou Benden is carrying on w.a one-day short course. I'm delighted. I don't want to climb 30' ice cliffs or rock slopes. Neither does Bobby Siegel who says she needs no more adventures. She has taken a fishing boat w 1 captain and 1 Eskimo girl guide from Iceland up coast of Greenland to collect plants & rx for Hg anal. That sated her. This school will include no climbing or crevasses. We went by truck to Scott Base & thence by tractor out under the slopes I was on after Castle Rock. Climbed up & practiced self-arrest w. ice ax, made lunch not outside but in A-frame chalet at site. (Chalet was built on ground but has now settled 8' into a hole.) Then built snow shelter to sleep in.  There were 7 of us and we decided on a single structure. Bobby Siegel, Me, Dean, Gary McCarthy, Andy      , Paul      ,      .  While we worked, Lee took a long ski trip. We drew a rectangle on the ground for a central cold trap. Then scooped 3 caverns in the walls to sleep 2-2-3.  Cut steps. built wall, & covered w arched roof. It was all too big & would have been hopelessly drafty without a tarp to cover entrance: