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As we worked on sev. hrs. Late in PM a single skua flew out to investigate -- circled low over Gary & 3 others in the block pit, let fly with a spurt of droppings, and left us. "And same to you, too" shouted Gary.

Our miserable architecture involved much extra work. hollow too wide to be covered by single flat blocks so required arching: [[image: drawing of two small rectangles with short sides facing and at slight angle]] accomp. by Andy (Vitall) standing beneath & fitting.

The caves were serviceable but w 1 layer of "ensolite" underneath sl. bags too cold. I placed my balaclava under small of back & stayed from 11:30-7:00. Slept v. little. Before bed climbed hill w sled & had thrilling ride out onto ice shelf. On my 2nd trip was joined by a small bearded gnome-like Kiwi who had hiked over from Mc Murdo. We had a great ride. At 2 AM when I crawled out to go to our Dugout bathroom, I saw him still climbing w sled on distant slope.

Supper in chalet: Dehyd. Beef Strogonoff.

Dec. 17. Sunday

I was 1st up & out. Had it by ~ 7:00. A beautiful morning.

A quick breakfast. I wanted to hike around, slide, & enjoy. Offered to climb to crest of slope & collect Lichens & mosses for Bobby's Ag tests -- But no way. We were due at Scott Base by 8:00. Snow & Ice school was over. That gave me time to write letters, do laundry & shampoo-shower. Felt much better. Bobby's cold worse. I wanted to relax in library of Biol. Bldg which has good range of Books & Mags. incl. Wilson's collected bird sketches & others. Looked at that and read poems by Robert Service, but the heat was off for the day and I finally left.

I looked in & saw a pastor & four men singing. After that the NSF offices opened & I looked for a message from Annexstad. The helicopter had never gone out to him so there lay the letter from me & Gisela. I retrieved it as no longer relevant & went about planning for Darwin.

[[marginalia]] John Lio left today for a year at Vostok [[/marginalia]]

After Dinner I was on balcony viewing the scene when Bill Cassidy suddenly appeared. He came in from Darwin on a helo [[helicopter]] headed for check-up. He said Dean & I going back on it at 10:00 AM .. we should get manifested in A.M. New plans!