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Dec 24

[[in red]] [[Dennick? Pk?]] 156.4°E 80°5'S. [[/in red]]  

Out by helicopter ~ 10:00 am. Another clear, bright day. Just as we began to load ~ 9:40 a radio call for Shinaishi from Nishio delayed us. After minutes of talking Japanese gibberish the news was tha Cassidy is waiting for us in McMurdo & wants us there ASAP. But nothing will fly on Christmas & schedules are uncertain after that.

Our first effort was a recon over blue ice which proved mostly covered w. new snow & a few fresh rocks; then to Derrick Mt. a steep rocky peak strewn with red-brown boulders some having pitted surfaces looking like meteorites. Here on the Mt. a NZ crew found 5 indus, Cassidy found more, and Denton's party found a few. We started out on low shoulder and Shinaishi started for top. I followed for awhile but Dean persuaded me we should return to our cache, eat lunch, & then explore a Mt. side out of the wind. We did that & no sooner had we started our traverse than he discovered a big gun-metal iron (>100 lbs)! Later, when Shinaishi climbed back ready for lunch Dean was measuring orientation. Shinaishi's climb confirmed, for him, there was nothing visible on top.
The rest of PM spent searching the hillsides on SW slopes. Dean & Shinaishi took a long hike out of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] sight and found nothing; I searched terraces & talus by eye and field glasses; found nothing. Finally, once more at end of the day as we awaited helicopter, Shinaishi discov. one more ~ 35 lb. Nicely-shaped iron just below the 1st one. I had no luck at all and felt v. v. disappointed. The big iron was too heavy for 2 men to move, so 2 helo pilots helped. I have "good" pictures of 4 men bringing in one iron. The scene was gorgeous- the day warm & lovely. But Santa was NOt good to me.
Helo Valate: collected us ~ 6:30 instead of 5:00. It seems that only one craft was operational at day's end because a passenger from German party Lifted a bamboo pole into main rotor blade of other one. Late dinner, Beer w Shinaishi, Movie on
colored baseball team of 1930s: then a long sleep while wild party went on in Dining hall, outside in snow, & in enlisted quarters. A wild Antarctic wind blew all evening & Night, flapping walls & roofs, and blowing snow thru openings to dining room floor. Stopped dead at 10 AM. Christmas Shower at ~10:30 PM but no shampoo.