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a Minipoo. At noon we nailed up the meteorites and banded the boxes. I learned procedure from Shinaishi. After Lunch I finally heard Terry Hughes' version of the end of Scott: Cannibalism and perhaps murder.

"Facts": Charles Winthrop Molesworth Swithinbank, [[present?)]] head of the English Antarctic once interviewed Wright who found Scott's tent. In strict confidence Wright told him the scene was more ghastly than described. Hughes asked Swithinbank: "Was what made it more ghastly cannibalism?" 
Swithinbank: "I can't answer that."
Scott (and Wilson & Bowers) in tent.

Huxley: Feb. 7. Spent geologizing on moraine of [[Beardnoise??]
35 lbs of rocks w gondwana ferns  "perhaps most important disc. of Exped."
Hughes says the rx never reached England but may have been murder weapons stained w blood & hair

Feb 11 [[Steered??]] wrong -> ice mess -Feb 13 stumbled on a depot. slow prog. made reduced rations 

Feb 16 Evans got hypothermia? -> Coma - died in camp.
No time to mourn. Weakest holding them back.
13 days earlier he had fallen w. Scott into crevasse -- stupid thereafter.
Jan 25 Bowers gave up diary 
Feb 27 Wilson " " " [dittos for gave up diary]] 
Mar 29 Scott " " " [dittos for gave up diary]] 

Mar 9 Mt. Hooper -- short rations  & no relief party
" [[ditto for Mar]] 10 N. Wind held them in camp. Oates asked advice.
Scott reckoned: 55 mi from 1 Ton Depot w 7 days food
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6 mi/day (leave am.)
6 x 7 = 42 or 13 mi short of 1 Ton

Mar 16 or 17 Oates out
Mar 19 camp (last) Letters Nov. 12 - Discovery