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Monday Jan. 1
Not a holiday. The official notices say the holiday was cancelled for pressure of work. The real reason, according to the grapevine, is to prevent the recurrence of wild Xmas Eve abandon when 3 trucks and 1 Japanese snowmobile were stolen; people streaked & tried to swim (!) & there was general disorder & destruction.  I repacked again deciding to store some of my own gear in cage. Did a laundry - had a shampoo. Helped Dean collect equipment we needed such as extra crampons -- asked Vickie Mason for can of mixed fruits -- got gear all stowed.

4:00 PM tried to cash travelers check but office closed at 3:30. Went to P.O. to send telegram to Tom. Wrong place -- got form for 100 words at Chalet & sent message at radio shack ~6:30 PM. They said it would go out in about 1 hr. Western Union would telephone Tom & read it; then put it in mail ($4.00). (For $2.00 they would only put it in mail). Text on Page 119 - I figured it was there [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] about 3:30 PM Dec. 31 at Tucson. I hope it arrived safely. ^[[ [Dec 31 really]] After dinner I went home & [[strikethrough]] became [[/strikethrough]] then to E.Sis. Bldg. to talk w Ed Feller (7:15) about nitrates & other [[??]] in snow. (I think an abstract on the environ. of Ant. Metr. might be good.) Then planned to go to officers Club but instead wound up at party w biologists & glac. geol. in M. M [[Tun??]] lounge: Segal, I Friedman, Gary, Steve Norton, Hal Brown & 1 or 2 others. ^[[Dean & Shiraishi joined us later.]] We had wine, cheese, crackers & good cheer. I had got hung up on a Minimal Sculpture problem in Sci. Am this PM so brought it to attention of party. I. Friedman immediately declared himself capable of cutting an index card to duplicate pattern; failed as I did, but never quite admitted it. At midnight we all went to porch of chalet & had picture taken as fire truck drove around town w full siren and roman candles went up beyond Hotel. Then 3 or 4 of us back to party until 2 AM.]