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Bobby Segal awaiting flight home (Hercs. cancelled repeatedly because someone ran one into a bulldozer on Scott (Willey field) & suffering from laryngitis kept me awake very late coughing. She tried to read & as long as she stayed awake would cough. With lights out she was quiet but wouldn't stay that way. I nearly went wild & nearly told her off -- not quite.

Earlier she told me about Friedman -- a friend in a way but a fierce competitor. Got on Fla. TV last year & now a great publicity hound. She found algae at San Juan Pond where he had failed: told him & he tried to claim possession. Insisted on all-day helicopter for him & wife while she went back w other copter. His wife never took snow & ice School; "Much too small & delicate". Now he uses that lack to insist on extra support. And gets it or goes straight to Atkinson. It works. Meanwhile, Bobby says she has her own kind of arrogance: people may now by her [[lunch?]] instead of VV.

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Jan. 2. Put all our gear in truck for helo flight ~8:30. Then got mixed signals on time of flight. We took off ~9:30: Dean, Shirashi & I & had spectacular ride to Marble Point -- got out during refueling -- and then on to John Annestock camp at Allan Hills. We arrived to find John bronze tan & v. happy. He asked Dean to stay on helo & go to help Bill break camp & ride back on snowmobiles. After the helo left John told me many things: He has left no flagged meteorite in the field -- collected them all. He has one cooks radio tent & one storage tent -- suggested I sleep there when I could get my own Scott tent (which would be warmer); John, Nishico, Shireshi, & I opened a bottle of Saki & drank to success. John admires Nishio & Seraishi but now regards [[Yarsai??]] as a turkey & [[Funaki??]] as worse -- competitive and sneaky. After John & Nishio left on the return helo Surashi & I put up a yellow Scott tent -- he said for Dean & me. However, after several hours when Bill & Dean failed to come into camp, Seraishi went on the Yamaha to look for them. I rested & waited; finally I saw 2 moving dots on the NW horizon & they walked in having abandoned a dead snowmobile. Bill offered me my own Scott tent & I was delighted. We set it up before Seraishi returned. Finally we have 3 yellow Scotts & one small blue tent plus many boxes, fuel cans & flags. In my own tent I can relax & do toilet in plastic bags. At night after pastrami sandwiches about 6:00 & Japanese noodles about 9:30; I gradually found how to get warm in bed: 4 strips of watting beneath big sleeping bags; cold. remember that Bivouac pants make a [[??]] bag. Add  [[??]] bag inside big bag, put on down slippers, down house coat. Cover bag w [[??]] & sweater; cover head w flap of sleeping bag "pillow". Eventually: toasty warm! It is all