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Jan. 4 Th.

A clear morning w. little wind. We had a long day in the field (~1:00 PM to 10 PM). Dean stayed home because of his cold. Built a privy wall, did a few camp chores, then hiked eastward toward mts. but found no meteorites. Bill, Shirashi, & I used 2 snowmobiles & worked the ice & [[firm??]] out North as a party of 3. I rode behind Shiraishi on the Yamaha; Bill pulled the sled behind the Skidoo. Out past the moraine Bill came upon the 1st 2 small meteorites -- then we began finding them by the dozens. Carefully collected the 1st ones, small as they were, but finally made 2 grab bags -- one w fresher & one w rustier meteorites. Bill found one carbonaceous chondrite the size of a pulleti egg -- our most precious specimen.  Late in the day I found the largest one & the only one suitable for Dean to orient. We flagged it for him & started home. Presently Bill's Skidoo broke down. Shiraishi changed the filter, chipped away some ice & tried many other things to no avail. In the end  he & I rode in to camp & Bill started walking. Shiraishi went back for the sled & for Bill but Bill had made it all the way to camp. Meanwhile Dean & I made supper of boned chicken, potatoes, beans. We collected 98 meteorite specimens & flagged 1. Just 4 short of last year's record of 104 in one day. We turned in after midnight -- the moon over the monocline to the west. Convex to the left & showing 1/2 w the sun still up. One gorgeous evening.
[[margin - sketch of half moon]]

Transcription Notes:
The word written as "Connex" may actually be "convex"