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A beautiful day, and our plans changed by the hour. About 10AM I could hear Bill at radio shouting a request for a conference call with the chalet. Remarkably, he got it! For once communications were clearer w McM than in J9. They promised a helo w a snowmobile mechanic to arr ~ 12:30 The morning was very clear with a low wind and so we planned for Bill & Shiraishi to drop the mechanic at our wounded skidoo & go on to recon Battlements area while Dean and I worked directly west of the camp. Or, if the mechanic would not work in the field Dean & I would use the Yamaha to yesterdays site. By noon it began to look cloudy w cirrus in line frm. from the N. I told Bill that in Boston that would mean storms the next day. At the Allan Hills it meant gathering low clouds, higher winds, and overcast - and the helo never came. In PM dreamed away most of the PM in warm sack then helped Bill wrap and document some already collected meteorites. He finished the job w a great sense of relief -- no more loose ends. Meanwhile Shiraishi took Dean out to orient his flagged meteorite -- they arrived back around 8PM. We had steaks as a special dinner, tomato juice w gin, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. For dessert Bill opened a homemade fruit cake. Bed by ~10:30 & a v. long night w little sleep - much dreaming - problems of keeping the light out of my eyes but my breathing easy -- in [[strikethrough]] flad [[/strikethrough]] fact suffered from shortness of breath a long time, KK Dean still suffering from cold; Bill w [[strikethrough]] diahreta [[/strikethrough]] diarrhea today. This AM we set up our privy just in time