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Jan. 7 

A long, bright day in the field. We slept late but then took 3 snowmobiles & went out toward the ice slope to the NW horizon. My small skidoo handled easily & I had no problem w. my back. On the way out to the moraines I found the 1st meteorite of the day -- a mucky-looking chondrite. After that I had very little luck. Bill found several nice specimens and Suraishi found a carbonaceous chondrite but I only found 4 little meteorites in the deep wind scoops around large [[??]]. Meanwhile I began to think I saw meteorites in wind-polished dolemites and even a piece of crusted Beacon SS. A bad lapse. But a glorious day: clear, w only a little wind. One interesting experience: they flagged the carb. ch. & then when we went to collect it it was gone. After a few dreadful minutes Bill found it completely buried in snow that drifted past their cairn. We had a long ride home during which my snowmobile went dead once. Service came to the rescue and got it started again by cranking (I thought it was out of gas.) We have lapsed into a sleep late (12 M) - wake late 10-12 PM schedule. Supper was last night chicken & mushroom plus sev. vegetables stewed together -- a fine repast. Used a heat pad tonight again partly for back but more for right shoulder - aching a little from snowmobiling.