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Jan. 8 

Snowmobiling to the ^[[pencil underline]] high plateau [[/pencil underline]] between Allan Hills and Battlements Nunatak. There were 5 finds today: the 1st was Bill's on a rounded icy slope--an iron; the second a peanut-sized stone by Suraishi. The last 3 were mine & v. good.

A black rock on the high ice proved to be a chondrite-rich, probably unequilibrated chondrite -- much excitement; later in the day I found 2 black rx . both weathered w little fusion crust. I stopped by the 1st & found w. my glove a small patch of crust. I waved down Bill who was on the far horizon -- that took awhile.  Then I went to other stone & was examining it as Suraishi came up and congratulated me. 2 rather large chondrites looking much like AH#9 of 2 yrs ago. As Bill put it: this was my day. I think I am finally learning the distant shapes & color of meteorites in the field & learning much about what is & is not. Carb. ch. are especially baffling in the presence of coal (which we had in abundance in yesterday's moraine ) and black dolemite " [[ditto for in abundance]]. Snowmobiling on the high blue ice w drifting snow was great fun although I kept having to stop & crank mine up and once to pull it upright when it overturned.  Bill commented at night & how well I did w. it.  Also glad I had good luck today; I said I don't think we can take much credit for seeing a black rock & checking it out but he pointed out one can get much pleasure from it. At day's end Suraishi rode back to Bills Battlement Camp & rescued his crampons from [[underlined]] Steady Zam [[/underlined]], the sick snowmobile.

This was officially the last day of our field season. Evacuation may begin the 10th & we must pack up tomorrow.       

Transcription Notes:
Name of Battlements Nunatak found in Geonames