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[[preprinted]] 124 [[/preprinted]]

1 green balaclava (issue)
1 " [[ditto for green]] face mask (issue)
1 black earmuff cap (issue)
1 orange balaclava (mine)
1 Blue cap (" [[ditto for mine]])
1 ear band (issue)

1 pr leather boots (issue)
1 " [[ditto for pr]] Bunny boots " [[ditto for (issue)]]
1 " [[ditto for pr]] Mukluks " [[ditto for (issue)]]    (1 more pair in Crch)
2 prs inner bootees " [[ditto for (issue)]]
2 " [[ditto for prs]] outer " " [[dittos for bootees (issue)]]
2 " [[ditto for prs]] ensolite soles " [[ditto for (issue)]]
1 pr Makalos (mine)
1 pr down-stuffed bootees (mine)
1 pr bath clogs (mine)

Pants ^[[checkmark]]
2 pr wind pants (issue)
1 " [[ditto for pr]] Linens " [[ditto for (issue)]]
1 pr jeans (mine)
1 pr wool " [[ditto for (mine)]]
1 pr wind pants " [[ditto for (mine)]]
1 pr Bivouac " " [[ditto for pants (mine)]] 

Shirts ^[[checkmark]] 
1 Brown check issue
1 Purple wool mine
1 red suede
1 irish wool
1 red " [[ditto for wool]]
1 black nylon turtle
1 ^[[royal]] blue turtle
1 light blue " [[ditto for turtle]]

Robe  ^[[checkmark]]
1 Down  (mine)

Sleepwear ^[[checkmark]]
1 running suit " [[ditto for (mine)]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

NSFA No 01098
Remove only After
Clearance By U.S. Customs
Military Customs Station  
Deep Freeze
New Zealand

Transcription Notes:
Crch = Christchurch