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51. In May 1915 Marjorie Stinson was sworn in by George Armistead, Postmaster of San Antonio, to carry mail between San Antonio and Sequin, Texas. Emma Stinson, Marjorie's mother, is second from left. (Photo: SI#A32619J)

52. Katherine Stinson was an inspiration for her younger sister Marjorie to learn to fly. The Stinson sisters are shown here just after a flight in Katherine's airplane in 1913. (Photo: SI#A5532A)

53. The German community of Sequin, Texas, booked Marjorie Stinson to perform at one of their gatherings. (Photo; SI#77-709)

54. Ruth Law's interest in flying may have originated from her brother's career. Rodman Law was a trick parachutist and daredevil performer. (Photo: SI#A5251)

55. For her exhibition flights Ruth Law had her Curtiss pusher modified with Wright-type controls. (Photo; SI#A44433)