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[[underline]]Plane Talk[[/underline]]
Democrat and Chronicle
July 25, 1954  11D

Woman Pilot Assists Lions Club Eye Bank
by Herb Schaeffer
THE ROCHESTER LIONS Club, sponsors of the Rochester Eye Bank, recently instituted a drive to secure pledges of eyes from residents of the Hornell area. 
The Lions Club, whose special interest is in the blind, needs the donation of eyes for corneal transplants.
Mrs. Blanche Scott, the first American woman pilot, publicized the drive over the station WLEA in Hornell, and on July 16 flew into Hornell in a National Guard helicopter. Maj. Neil Baldwin, of Buffalo, landed the Bell H-13G on Broadway in downtown Hornell, and after the ceremony took off.
Although the space was small, and the landing area surrounded by several thousand people, the helicopter had no difficulty. Mrs. Scott is a former Rochesterian.
Paul Jones, treasurer of the Rochester Lions Club, accompanied by Benjamin Crosby, flew his Cessna 170, and John Kendall, in the Kendall Agency Piper Pacer, flew Ross Guglielmino and Robert Hicks to the Hornell Airport. Ross Guglielmino is head of the Rochester Eye Bank, and Robert Hicks, who was formerly blind, but has regained his sight from having a cornea transplant, was the principal speaker, Charles Edwards, president of the Lions Club, and Leo Kastner, first vice president and chairman of this drive, attended the affair. 

NOVEL TWIST--To stir interest in the effort by area Lions Clubs to get people enthused about giving their eyes to sightless folks, this Bell helicopter recently landed in the streets of downtown Hornell to point up efforts of campaign's workers.