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24 Daily News, Thursday, October 1, 1964

A Fellow Who Could Buy the Place Wins Fair's Monaco Trip

[[caption]] (NEWS foto by Bob Koller)
Mrs. Blanche Stuart Scott at the Space Center yesterday. [[/caption]]

The winner among thousands of entries in a drawing was named at the World's Fair yesterday, and he turned out to need it just about as much as the Yankees need a course in how to play winning baseball.

Dave Robins, president of the Jan Leslie Hat Co. of Dallas, Tex., who has a $250,000 home and is now building a mountaintop retreat with a commanding view of a 310-mile-long lake, will get a week's stay in 375-acre Monaco.

Robins, who had just returned from a fishing trip to Acapulco, Mexico, when he received news that he had won the drawing, will leave next week with his wife Marie.

He'll Take Only 10G

I'm just going to take $10,000 for the tables at Monte Carlo," said Robins, "because I don't want to be extravagant."

There was some question as to whether the couple will have an audience with Prince Ranier and Princess Grace. Mrs. Edith Trager, who is director of the Monte Carlo exhibit at the Fair's International Plaza and contest sponsor, said the couple will get the red carpet treatment and visit the principality thoroughly.

Visiting the Monaco principality thoroughly will be no problem—its 375 acres are not quite half as big as Central Park—but the question is whether the red carpet will extend into the palace.

Vice consul Georges Borghini of Monaco gave his version of the trip to a newsman.

"Maybe a Special Pass"

"They will go to see concerts at the opera house, and if the ballet is there they will be taken to see that. Maybe they will be given a special pass to visit the palace.

"Visitors may tour the palace when the prince is not there in the summer. But when the prince is back, the palace is closed to visitors," said Borghini. "And he is back now."

Robins and his wife will fly via Pan American World Airways, the other contest sponsor, next week. Their daughter, Lou Ann, 16, will not accompany them because she is not too keen on flying.

There was a lady visitor yesterday who has long loved flying—Blanche Stuart Scott, who in 1910 became the first woman ever to fly a plane.

Miss Scott, a peppery little woman who says her age "is my business," came from her home in Rochester for a reunion of the Early Birds. The group is made up of pioneers who flew before 1916.

Bamboo and Piano Wires

She said the early planes were called "undertakers' chairs because they were made up of bamboo and piano wires."

"Just about anyone who crashed was a goner," she said "because the motor was just above the pilot's head and was always jarred loose and landed on the pilot."

Bill of Fair For Today
9 A.M. to 10 P.M. — THE News Public Opinion Poll, Hall of Education.
10:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. — Sussex County Day, New Jersey Pavilion.
11:30 A.M.—Ceremonies marking Munich's Oktoberfest, Lowenbrau Gardens.
1:30 P.M. to 1:55 P.M.—The Fortunas, instrumental and vocal group, New York State Pavilion.
5:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Choralettes of St. John Episcopal Church, New York State Pavilion.
7:15 P.M. to 8:40 P.M.—Concert, Pool of Industry.
9:45 P.M.—The Fountain of the Planets Show.

For information on Fair routes or hotel-motel facilities, phone or visit THE NEWS Travel Bureau, MU 2-1234 (9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Monday through Friday) or write to the bureau, 220 E. 42d St., New York 10017. You can also phone the Convention Visitors Bureau, MU 7-1300, or visit its office at 90 E. 42d ST. The city also has a World's Fair Housing Bureau, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, CI 7-0100. For general Fair information call 888-1212.

[[caption]] Miss USA, Jeanne Quinn, hands airline ticket [[text cut off]] [[/caption]]

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Please transcribe ALL the content on the page, not just material related to Scott. We want to make all historical content searchable for researchers. Thanks- Caitlin, TC Coordinator