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Quits [[?]] In Gables

Coral Gables Community Development Director Jack Suiter credited with luring branches of three major firms to the city, is leaving for greener pastures.

He recommended to City Manager L.W. Robinson Jr. that Assistant Director Marty Rosen replace him.

During Suiter's three years on the job, several international firms located branch offices in Coral Gables.

His letter of resignation indicated he thought he had gone about as far as he could in salary at Coral Gables. The job pays $12,500 and carries a car and expense account.

Suiter said he is pondering public relations offers from numerous major private firms.

The Community Development Department promotes tourism and lures business to the city with a $108,000 annual budget.

Jack Suiter pastures

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the Youth Hall post. Shap?? had been a Youth Hall employee before going with the probation staff of the court.

Until recently, Youth Hall had been in the middle of a continuing controversy between the Welfare Department, which runs it, and the Juvenile Court, which controlled it until 1961.

It was the subject of several critical grand jury reports.
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Alarm Sale Fights Crime

The Crime Commission of Greater Miami and the Greater Miami Jaycees have joined efforts to co-sponsor the sale of portable pocket-
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Powell to Aid Washington?

Miami City Commission candidate Washington flew into town from Bimini Friday, claiming the support of Adam Clayton Powell.

Washington played a tape recording made on the ejected Harlem congressman's fishing yacht in which Powell said he supported the Negro
[[damaged newsprint]]  New York authorities are waiting to arrest Powell in connection with a slander case.

Conventioneers Like Dick Nixon

A poll of drug wholesalers in convention at Miami Beach Friday showed Richard M. Nixon the leading candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination next year.

New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller was a strong second with Gov. Ronald Reagan of California way out

Found [[?]]
A young ex-convict [?] released from state prison last month, was mysteriously shot to death Friday, the [?] before his 20th birthday, Miami police said.

Sgt. J.E. Weaver tentatively identified the victims as Keith James Hester 1604 NW 64 St. He was found dead outside his home. Police said he was shot once above the heart.

Officers said they could find no witnesses who knew what happened.

Hester, police said, was released from state Prison at Raiford last month after serving 2½ years on a robbery conviction.

'Early Bird' Fliers Meet Here
Continued From Page 1B

World War I Fokker.  His fighter shot down four American planes over the trenches but when the war was over, Max became an American test pilot and later a citizen.

Charlie West, an old barnstorming wingwalker, was there too, and so was Robert E. Lee, 83 — a descent of the general — who once took flying lessons with the Wright brothers.  There was even and old flier who came by train because "you can't see too much from jets."  And there was Matt Laird, who is now president of the Early Birds who designed a half dozen planes in his time.

Waldo Waterman, who is one of a half dozen who still fly, had climbed aboard the Whisperjet earlier with a touch of the old dash.  He was greeted by two pretty stewardesses, Laura Hunt and Sandy Gipson, who's been flying only two months.

"Do I kiss both of you?" Waldo asked.  He did.

Blanche walked aboard next, confiding to the stewardesses, "I have nothing to talk about with the other ladies — I don't cook and I haven't got any grandchildren."

"Talk to us," the girls answered.

For Eastern's pilot, Capt. W. E. Wyrick, it was a rare opportunity.  Once airborne, he called out over his intercom:  Got off pretty good, didnt' we?"  Over the Keys, the going was choppy — "blubby," as one old flier called it — because jets are built for high altitude, full engine speed, not sightseeing.  The craft suddenly veered upward and to the left.

"Just scooted around a stunt plane in a spin," the intercom voice explained.  No one over 60 panicked.

"I love it here," a vintage pilot's wife sighed, later when the ship had climbed to 10,000 feet.  "You can look out and imagine anything."  "He can put this down on an egg," someone said, in tribute to Capt. Wyrick's landing.  

Tiny Broadwick thought it was wonderful:

"To think that we were a part of all this so long ago," she said.  Then she added: "But I remember the rabbit-hopping takeoffs and landings.  It used to be so exciting, and now it just isn't so romantic any more."

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taxpayers now are paying [/] mills in debt service to retire bonds sold in 1954 to build new classrooms.

Either a bond issue or the leasing system would be a sharp departure from the pay-as-you-go philosophy on school building construction which has prevailed for nearly a decade.

Florida law permits the board to lease a school building from any governmental agency or from the Florida Development Commission, which, in turn, can lease or buy the property from the individual owner.

The School Board can lease directly from private individuals, but only on a year-to-year basis. Long term leases are forbidden.

Board member Ted Slack sees private leasing as the ultimate answer to school financing. Slack would support a bond issue, but called it another "example of using an antiquated system for modern schools."

Slack said the yearly lease limit was established because school funds are allocated annually.

But private individuals don't want to enter into big construction contracts and have to worry about renewing leases every year," he pointed out.