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United States.
The patriotic festival will be held in conjunction with Citizenship Day, which falls on the preceding day.

Annual Observance
Citizenship Day is an annual observance authorized by Congress to commemorate the signing of the Constitution on Sept. 17.

Founded by the Hearst newspapers, I Am An American Day was proclaimed in 1940 as a national holiday.

Official proclamations for this year's observance of I Am An American Day will be issued by Gov. Stratton and Mayor Daley.

More than 500 cities and towns in the Chicago area, including Gary, Ind., will officially join in the celebration. Many of the cities have already issued proclamations calling on their citizens to mark I Am An American Day.

Congratulating THE AMERICAN for continuing the support of I Am An American Day, J. Russell Christianson, president of the Village of Oak Park, issued the following proclamation:
"Whereas, the privilege of being a citizen of the United States was never more highly esteemed than in these critical days; and
"Whereas, Sunday, Sept. 18, 1955, has been set aside as I Am An American Day, the patriotic observance of which is intended to bring home to all our people the special significance of citizenship in these times and awaken in us renewed appreciation of the privileges and blessings we enjoy as American citizens; and

'Nation Enriched'
"Whereas, our country as a whole and our community as well have been enriched by the naturalization of many who have come to us from other lands to realize their dreams of liberty and opportunity, and by the coming of age of our native-born youth who now add their strength to the cause of upholding the principles of liberty, right and justice which form the basis of our free government;
"Now therefore, I, as
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18, 1955, as I Am An American Day in Oak Park, and I urge that our citizens observe the day fittingly and in true patriotic fervor.

"Let us by appropriate meetings and programs, especially on Sept. 18, give solemn evidence that we realize the priceless worth of citizenship, that we recognize the debt we owe those generations before us who have fought to win and retain the blessings we now enjoy.

"Let us proclaim to the world and to the thousands of other communities throughout the nation, assembled as we will be, our proudest boast - I Am An American!"

Nationality Groups
Also taking an important role in the observance of I Am An American Day will be the numerous nationality groups, which each year stage fitting ceremonies, including parades. The event is backed by their churches, newspapers and radio hours.

Meanwhile, church leaders have indicated they would participate in the observance on Sept. 18 by speaking on the benefits of citizenship from their pulpits and by arranging special events in church halls. All faiths and races will be represented at the church patriotic events.

All public, parochial and private schools in the Chicago area will hold special citizenship assemblies during the week preceding Sept. 18.

School Cooperate
Cooperating in this portion of the celebration of I Am An American Day are the heads of the school systems and faculty members.

Assuming an important role in the sponsorship with THE AMERICAN of the patriotic festival will be the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled War Veterans, Jewish War Veterans, Catholic War Veterans, and other patriotic organizations.

More than 250 I Am An American Day celebrations are being planned in the city's parks and in the forest preserves with the cooperation of the Chicago Park District and the Board of Commissioners of Cook County.

PiONEER woman flier, Mrs. Blanche Stuart Scoot, is shown at controls of an early Curtiss biplane as its builder, Glenn H. Curtiss, stands by. Picture was taken on Sept. 6, 1910, the day Mrs. Scott wrote history as first U. S. woman pilot. [[/caption]]

MEMORIES of aviation's infant days are evoked as Mrs. Blanche Stuart Scott points to picture of one of nation's first flying machines, a Curtiss biplane. [[/caption]]

Hunts for Aerial Relics
by Larry Kelly

Pert, bright and with an appearance belying the years she won't even admit to, America's first woman airplane pilot is in Chicago on her fabulous "treasure hunt" for historical aviation relics.

She, of course, is Mrs. Blanche Stuart Scott, who first took the controls of a flying box-kite on Sept. 6, 1910.

Now consultant for the United States Air Force Museum at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, O., she is scouring the nation, digging up forgotten aviation relics from attics, barns, garages and dusty pigeonholes.

Eyes Twinkle
Although Mrs. Scott is undoubtedly America's first woman pilot, she is still brooding over the fact that she wasn't the first woman pilot in the world.

She explained that Baroness Rothschild had flown a plane in France just two weeks before she (Mrs. Scott) made her initial flight in America. And Mrs. Scott snapped:

"You know, I was always mad at her for that"

But her twinkling eyes belied the sharpness of the words.

What does she find in her aviation "treasure hunt?"

Among the things this petite, gray-hair gal has dug up are:

A complete S4C scout-fighter plane of World War I, which she found on Long Island still in flying condition.

The first Sikorsky helicopter of World War II.

Lindberg's second ship, a Lockheed Sirius monoplane. And that, she says, was the design that eventually led the government to change its jet models to low-winged ships.

A P-36 Bell aircraft of World War II, and now only one of two of its kind in existence.

Eight engines dating back to 1915, furnished by Curtiss-Wright, and several other engines dating back to 1911.

Records and Patents
And, in addition to these things she has accumulated a vast collection of documents pertaining to inventions, patents and research in the field of aviation, many of which are loaned to colleges and other schools for class-room study.

As to these, Mrs. Scott exulted:

"You know, we have the patent drawings for a helicopter, drawn up in 1898, and another for 'convertible' drawn in 1914."

Mrs. Scott first made her mark as an auto driver. Born in Rochester, N. Y., she attended schools in New England before the "horseless carriages" came to her notice.

So, in 1910, she became the first woman to drive an automobile across the United States. That was for the Overland Co.

On that trip, she went through Dayton, and was amazed at the tremendous interest being shown in aviation there. Then, in Santa Ana, Cal., she met Glenn Martin, later to become the designer of the famous Martin bombers.

Returning to New York she met Frank Tipton, press agent for the famous Glenn H. Curtiss, and was the one who first interested her in flying.

An 'Early Bird'
Although her first actual flight was Sept. 6, 1910, her first professional appearance as a flier was Oct. 22, 1910, at Ft. Wayne, Ind. She is a former member of the board of directors of the "Early Birds Club," the main qualification for membership being that the applicant had flown a plane before 1916.

Meanwhile, the U. S. Air Force Museum had been started just before World War II. But it wasn't until 1946 that the present building was erected, and Mrs. Scott met Mark Sloan, director of the museum, and his assistant, Lawrence Jarnigan. A casual remark:

"How would you like to help us round up exhibits?"

And a delighted return from Mrs. Scott:

"Just what I'd like to do! It just fits in with everything I've been doing all my life. And, I've got to do something. Sitting around 'retired' is driving me crazy!"

And a new career started. Mrs. Scott doesn't do much flying by herself anymore, but last October, out of curiosity, she took the aviation physical examination. And she proudly says:
"I passed it, too!"

Pen in Teeth, Takes Bar Exam
MANVILLE, N.J. Aug. 27 (AP)- Jack Trombadorie wrote the answers to his two-day bar examination with a pen stuck in his teeth. The 27-year-old University of Michigan graduate has been deprived of the use of his arms since he was stricken with polio at 3.

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