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[[caption]] AIRMAN'S HONOR—Russell Holderman, center, chief pilot for the Gannett Newspapers, holds a plaque dedicated to him for contributions to flying. With him are Mrs. Holderman and Harry B. Crowley, chairman of citizens' committee honoring him. Plaque will be hung in new administration building at Rochester Airport. [[/caption]]

Air Age Lauded at Airport Ceremony

[[caption]] -Democrat and Chronicle Staff Photos.
CHAT- Rep. Harold C. Ostertag, Miss Blanche Stuart Scott, Francis H. Carroll, from left, talk after ceremony. [/caption]]

Other story, pictures Page 1

Rochester-Monroe County Airport was rededicated to greater service to the community yesterday with the opening of a new three-quarter million dollar administration building.

On the taxiing apron under a broiling sun, religious, civic and military leaders appeared in the gala program. In the gleaming new building itself, off Brooks Avenue, the combination of beauty, luxury and utility evoked loud praise from many spectators.

The main speaker, Rep. Kenneth B. Keating, Rochester Republican, expressed hope that the genius which propelled the air age into “magnificent achievements” will guide the world toward peace.

“Genius has given us unmatched progress in air development” he said. “There is genius still among us to find the way of peace. God give us the strength and determination to succeed.”

The air age, just half a century old, dates back to the same year as the first international arbitration agreement, he pointed out.

“The men who have tried to carry on the work done by our great compatriot Elihu Root (secretary of state under Theodore Roosevelt) have not been as successful as the followers of Orville Wright,” he said. “We have done much better with the laws of physics during this last half-century than with the problems of how men are going to live side by side in this new era of constricted time and space.”

Keating emphasized however
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Most Rev. Lawrence B. Casey, auxiliary to the bishop of Rochester; Keating was interrupted by the noise of a Flying Boxcar in take-off, and Holderman’s acceptance was halted—appropriately—by the whir of a small monoplane, the type he flew during his early days.

Festivities began at 10 a. m. when the doors of the new building were thrown open to the public. A steady stream of visitors, estimated at 3,000 by Police Sgt. Albert Heinkel, gave visible and audible signs of ad-
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sided during the ceremony, which was slightly curtailed because of the extreme heat. He also accepted the plaques presented to the people.

Carl S. Hallauer, chairman of the Rochester-Monroe County Airport Rededication Committee, spoke briefly. Among civilian and military leaders introduced were Rep. Harold C. Ostertag, Attica Republican, in whose district the airport lies; Maj. Gen.
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Transcription Notes:
I think that the last line of the article is missing.