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Eighteen hundred feet in four minutes - a real climb in those days. 

TOMGUNN - A great Chinese aviator who used to lecture to his country men on the West coast, telling them that China shall not fall behind the Western nations in matters of the air. Tom became airman of the Chinese Army. 

BECKWITH HAVENS - one of America's first aeroplane salesmen. He found in the early days it was just as hard to sell an aeroplane as it was to sell an Eskimo an ice box. So he decided to learn to fly an aeroplane, and he did well, winning the Great Lakes Reliability Cruise,  Chicago to Detriot [[sic]] via Machinac in sixteen days. 

EMIL BERLINGER Inventor of the famous radial type aeronautical motor. Also one of the first Americans to give considerable attention to the development of the helicopter, using a revolving cylinder engine known at that time as an Adams Farwell revolving motor. 

Lt FRANK P. LAHM, great Wright Pilot who held the American Pilot license No. 2. One of the first aviators to establish for the army a school for aviation in the Phillipines. The Lahm Cup open to Areostats Aeronauts named after 
him. This cup was offered by the aero club for contests in ballooning. Lahm won the first Gordon Bennett International balloon cup race at Paris, France in 1906, flying to England four hundred and two miles. 

CHAUNCY M. VOUGHT - early aeroplane engineer who when a prominent Chicago man requested him to apply his engineering knowledge to developing a new type of aeroplane. He found that to be a successful aeronautical engineer it was necessary to also be a successful aviator, which he became. He also developed some wonderful air craft. 

PETER COLOVAN. Pete came from Argus, Greece; he was under contract to learn to fly and then return to Greece to devote his skill to military accomplishments for his native land; but how he did love Americ. I think that it was Pete that told the Greeks the restaurant business was good in America.